CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS CONTINUEDTHREAT OF CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR (CBRN) CONTAMINATIONEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. D6K Dozer (Left Side).Figure 2. D6K Dozer (Left Side).Figure 3. D6K Dozer (Right Side).Figure 4. D6K Dozer (Right Side).Figure 5. D6K Dozer with Ripper.Figure 6. D6K Dozer with Winch.EQUIPMENT DATAEQUIPMENT DATA CONTINUEDTHEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTIONIMPLEMENT HYDRAULIC SYSTEM & IMPLEMENT HYDRAULIC CONTROLSFigure 1. Engine Profile.Figure 2. Engine Electronic Control System Component Locations.Figure 3. Engine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Table 1. Engine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Engine Speed GovernorLow Battery Voltage Elevated Idle FeatureFigure 4. Engine Air Cleaner Assembly.Figure 5. Turbocharger.Figure 6. Engine Aftercooler.Figure 7. Electric Prime Pump.Figure 9. Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 11. Fuel Injector.Figure 12. Ether Cylinder.Figure 14. Cooling System Operation.Figure 15. Water Temperature Regulator Housing.Figure 17. Cooling Fan and Motor.Figure 18. Engine Oil Cooler.Engine Lubrication SystemTHEORY OF OPERATION MACHINE ELECTRICALFigure 2. Alternator.Figure 3. Starter Motor.Figure 1. Indicator and Gauge Display.Figure 2. Messenger Display.THEORY OF OPERATION HYDRAULICSFigure 2. Powertrain Oil Cooler.Figure 3. Left and Right Side Hydrostatic Pumps.Left Side Hydrostatic Pump OperationFigure 4. Left Side Hydrostatic Pump.Right Side Hydrostatic Pump OperationFigure 5. Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 6. Right Side Hydrostatic Pump Charge Pump.Crossover Relief Valve DescriptionFigure 8. Charge Pressure Relief Valve.Figure 10. Hydrostatic Drive Motors.Hydrostatic Drive Motor OperationFigure 11. Hydrostatic Drive Motor Operation.Figure 12. Hydrostatic Drive Motor (Displacement) Control Valve.Figure 13. Flushing Valve.Figure 14. Powertrain Return Manifold.Figure 15. Powertrain Return Manifold Operation.Figure 16. Remote Pressure Taps.THEORY OF OPERATION FINAL DRIVEFigure 2. Final Drive Operation.Figure 1. Undercarriage Components.Figure 2. Track Roller.Figure 3. Track Carrier Roller.Figure 5. Track Adjuster.Figure 7. Pivot Shaft.THEORY OF OPERATION ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC CONTROLSFigure 1. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Table 1. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Table 1. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs - Continued.Table 1. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs - Continued.Figure 2. Brake/Deceleration Pedal Position Sensor.Figure 3. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Service Brake Application.Parking Brake Mechanical OperationFigure 4. Parking Brake.Parking Brake Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs and Hydraulic Oil FlowFigure 5. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs and Hydraulic Oil Flow for Parking Brake Operation.Figure 6. Hydrostatic Joystick Control.Figure 7. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Neutral Operation.Figure 8. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Neutral Operation.Figure 9. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Forward Travel.Figure 10. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Forward Travel.Figure 11. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Reverse Travel.Figure 12. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Reverse Travel.Figure 13. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Left Pivot Turn.Figure 14. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Left Pivot Turn.Figure 15. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Left Counterrotate Turn.Figure 16. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Left Counterrotate Turn.Figure 17. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Right Pivot Turn.Figure 18. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Right Pivot Turn.Figure 19. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs for Right Counterrotate Turn.Figure 20. Hydraulic Oil Flow for Right Counterrotate Turn.THEORY OF OPERATION IMPLEMENT HYDRAULIC SYSTEMImplement System ComponentsFigure 1. Implement System Component Locations.Figure 2. Implement Pump.Figure 3. Pressure and Flow Compensator Valve.Low Pressure StandbyFigure 4. Low Pressure Standby.Figure 5. Destroke.Figure 6. High Pressure Stall.Control ValvesFigure 7. Blade Angle Control Valve.Blade RaiseFigure 8. Blade Raise Control Valve.Figure 9. Blade Float Control Valve.Figure 10. Blade Tilt Control Valve.Figure 11. Ripper Control Valve.Figure 12. Blade Raise Control Valve.Line Relief and Makeup ValveFigure 14. Proportional Priority Pressure Compensation (PPPC) System.Figure 15. Winch Operation.Table 1. Winch Components.Figure 16. Winch Pump.Figure 17. Winch Pump Operation.Figure 18. Charge Pump.Figure 19. Pressure Override Relief (POR) Valve.Figure 20. Makeup Valve.Figure 21. Relief Valve.Figure 22. Charge Pressure Relief Valve.Figure 23. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Table 2. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs.Table 2. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs - Continued.Table 2. Machine ECM Inputs and Outputs - Continued.THEORY OF OPERATION AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATER SYSTEMSCHAPTER 2. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INTRODUCTIONHOW TO USE ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICSFigure 1. Messenger Module.Figure 2. Compact Instrument Cluster (CIC).Compact Instrument Cluster (CIC) Menu NavigationTable 2. Service Modes.Figure 3. CIC Diagnostic Code Display.Figure 4. CIC Event Code Display.Figure 5. Messenger Module.Table 3. Messenger Module Menu.Table 3. Messenger Module Menu Continued.Table 3. Messenger Module Menu Continued.Table 3. Messenger Module Menu Continued.Figure 7. Service Menu.Figure 9. Diagnostic Code Screen.HOW TO USE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET)Figure 1. Electronic Technician (ET).Figure 2. Fire Extinguisher.Figure 4. Diagnostic Connector.Figure 5. Diagnostic Connector and Fuse Panel.Figure 6. What's New Dialog Box.Figure 7. ECM Selection.Figure 8. Diagnostic Code Selection.Figure 9. Status Group and Parameter List.Figure 10. Close ET Program.Figure 11. Diagnostic Connector and Fuse Panel.Figure 12. Diagnostic Connector.Figure 14. Fire Extinguisher.ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) PROGRAMMINGFigure 1. Active Code Menu.Figure 2. ECM Configuration Menu.Figure 3. ECM Select Window.Figure 4. ECM Configuration Save.Figure 5. Configuration Menu.Figure 6. Configuration File.Figure 7. Programming Complete.Figure 8. Diagnostic Connector.Figure 10. Flash File Menu.Figure 11. Flash File Programming.ECM UNABLE TO COMMUNICATEFigure 12. Diagnostic Connector.COMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWSCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCOMPONENT LOCATION AND CONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedFigure 1. AC-C1 A/C Blower Harness Connector to Cab Harness Connector.Figure 4. WP-C1 Washer Pump Harness Connector to Chassis Harness Connector.Figure 6. AH-C3 Arctic Kit Heater Harness to Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 8. AH-C5 Arctic Kit Heater Harness to Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Pump.Figure 11. AR-C2 Arctic Kit Heater Switch Harness Connector to Arctic Kit Heater Switch.Figure 13. C-C1 Cab Harness Connector to Parking Brake Switch.Figure 16. C-C4 Cab Harness Connector to Flood Lamp Switch.Figure 18. C-C6 Cab Harness Connector to LH Wiper Switch.Figure 19. C-C7 Cab Harness Connector to RH Wiper Switch.Figure 21. C-C9 Cab Harness Connector to Seat Suspension Motor.Figure 22. C-C12 Cab Harness to Platform Harness Connector.Figure 24. C-C16 Cab Harness Connector to 24-Volt to 12-Volt Converter.Figure 26. C-C24 Cab Harness Connector to Seat Harness Connector.Figure 29. C-C38 Cab Harness Connector to Dash Panel Harness Connector.Figure 30. C-C40 Cab Harness Connector to Fuse Panel Harness Connector.Figure 32. C-C43 Cab Harness Connector to HVAC Control Panel.Figure 34. C-C45 Cab Harness Connector to Throttle Switch.Figure 37. C-C48 Cab Harness Connector to Messenger.Figure 39. C-C52 Cab Harness Connector to Winch Drive Away Switch.Figure 41. C-C58 Cab Harness Connector to A/C Thermostat Sensor.Figure 43. C-C72 Cab Harness Connector to Blower Medium High Relay.Figure 44. C-C73 Cab Harness Connector to Blower High Relay.Figure 46. C-C101 Cab Harness Connector to Rear Flood Lamp Harness.Figure 47. A/C Recirculating Temperature Sensor.Figure 48. A/C Thermostatic Switch.Figure 49. Blower High Relay.Figure 50. Blower Medium High Relay.Figure 52. Service Brake Switch.Figure 54. Flood Lamp Relay 1.Figure 56. Ripper/Winch Handle.Figure 58. Winch Free Spool Switch.Figure 59. Winch Drive Away Switch.Figure 60. Flood Lamp Switch.Figure 61. Parking Brake Switch.Figure 62. Implement Lockout Switch.Figure 63. Rear Wiper Switch.Figure 64. LH Wiper Switch.Figure 65. RH Wiper Switch.Figure 66. Front Wiper Switch.Figure 68. Recirculation Fan Switch.Figure 69. CA-C1 Seat Harness Connector to Cab Harness Connector.Figure 71. CA-C5 Seat Harness Connector to Steering and Transmission Control Handle Base.Figure 73. CA-C7 Seat Harness Connector to Blade Control Handle.Figure 75. CA-C11 Seat Harness Connector to Operator Presence Switch.Figure 77. Steering and Transmission Control Handle.Figure 80. Blade Control Handle Base.Figure 81. CH-C1 Chassis Harness Connector to Platform Harness.Figure 83. CH-C3 Chassis Harness Connector to Auxiliary #1 Port B Solenoid.Figure 85. CH-C6 Chassis Harness Connector to Right Track Speed Sensor.Figure 87. CH-C8 Chassis Harness Connector to LH Motor Solenoid.Figure 91. CH-C18 With Ripper - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Raise Solenoid.Figure 92. CH-C19 With Ripper - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Lower Solenoid.Figure 94. CH-C21 With Ripper - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Tilt Left Solenoid.Figure 96. CH-C23 With Ripper - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Angle Left Solenoid.Figure 100. Right Track Speed Sensor.Figure 101. Hydraulic Temperature Sensor.Figure 103. E-C2 Engine Harness Connector to Fuel Pump Solenoid.Figure 104. E-C3 Engine Harness Connector to Camshaft Speed Sensor.Figure 105. E-C4 Engine Harness Connector to Crankshaft Speed Sensor.Figure 106. E-C5 Engine Harness Connector to Oil Pressure Sensor.Figure 107. E-C6 Engine Harness Connector to Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor.Figure 108. E-C7 Engine Harness Connector to Air (Boost) Pressure Sensor.Figure 110. E-C10 Engine Harness Connector to Coolant Temperature Sensor.Figure 113. E-C14 Engine Harness Connector to Injector 5/Injector 6 Harness.Figure 115. E-C19 Engine Harness Connector to Filter Link Harness Connector.Figure 117. Cam Speed Sensor.Figure 119. Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor.Figure 121. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor.Figure 123. Smart Wastegate Connection.Figure 125. EN-C8 Engine Harness Connector to Engine Speed Sensor.Figure 127. EN-C10 Engine Harness Connector to A/C Clutch.Figure 129. EN-C12 Engine Harness to CAN A Terminal Resistor Engine.Figure 131. EN-C14 Engine Harness Connector to Air Inlet Restriction Switch.Figure 134. EN-C17 Engine Harness Connector to Prime Pump Base.Figure 137. EN-C21 Engine Harness Connector to Pump Harness Connector.Figure 139. EN-C23 Engine Harness Connector to A/C High/Low Pressure Switch.Figure 141. Air Inlet Restriction Switch.Figure 143. A/C Low Pressure Switch.Figure 145. Engine Speed Sensor.Figure 148. FF-C2 Filter Link Harness Connector to Pressure Switch.Figure 150. FF-C4 Filter Link Harness Connector to Prime Pump Temperature Sensor.Figure 152. FL-C1 Fuel Tank Harness Connector to Platform Harness.Figure 154. FL-C3 Fuel Tank Harness Connector to Fuel Level Sender.Figure 157. FL-C6 Fuel Tank Harness Connector to Fuel Tank Harness Connector.Figure 160. Charge Filter Bypass Switch 2.Figure 163. Prime Pump Temperature Sensor.Figure 165. Fuel Level Sender.Figure 167. FP-C2 Fuse Panel Harness Connector to Fuse Block B Connector.Figure 169. FP-C4 Fuse Panel Harness Connector to Main Relay.Figure 173. G-C1 Injector 3/Injector 4 Harness Connector to Engine Harness.Figure 175. HL-C1 Upper Cab Harness to Cab Harness Connector.Figure 176. HL-C15 Upper Cab Harness Connector to Right Speaker.Figure 178. HL-C19 Upper Cab Harness Connector to LH Forward Cab Flood Lamp #2.Figure 180. HL-C22 Upper Cab Harness Connector to RH Forward Cab Flood Lamp #2.Figure 183. HL-C27 Upper Cab Harness Connector to Front Wiper Motor.Figure 185. HL-C46 Upper Cab Harness Connector to Condenser.Figure 187. HN-C1 Forward Horn Low Tone Harness Connector to Engine Harness Connector.Figure 190. HW-C2 Arctic Kit Heater Harness to Aux 1 Unswitched.Figure 192. HW-C4 Platform Harness Connector to Arctic Kit Heater Switch Harness.Figure 194. LW-C2 LH Wiper Motor Harness Connector to LH Wiper Motor.Figure 196. Operator Presence Switch Harness to Operator Presence Switch.Figure 199. P-C3 Dash Panel Harness Connector to CAN A Terminal Resistor Dash.Figure 201. P-C5 Dash Panel Harness Connector to Keyless Switch.Figure 203. Service Brake Position Sensor.Figure 205. PH-C1 Pump Harness Connector to Engine Harness Connector.Figure 206. PH-C2 Pump Harness Connector to Transmission Pilot Pressure Supply Solenoid.Figure 207. PH-C3 Pump Harness Connector to Parking Brake Solenoid.Figure 209. PH-C5 Pump Harness Connector to RH Reverse Pump Solenoid.Figure 211. PH-C7 Pump Harness Connector to LH Forward Pump Solenoid.Figure 214. PL-C1 Platform Harness Connector to Cab Harness Connector.Figure 216. PL-C3 Platform Harness Connector to Fuse Panel Harness.Figure 218. PL-C5 Platform Harness Connector to Machine ECM J2.Figure 220. PL-C7 Platform Harness Connector to Aux 1 Unswitched - Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 222. PL-C12 Platform Harness Connector to Lockout Switch.Figure 224. WP-C3 Washer Pump Harness Connector to Rear Washer Pump.Figure 226. PL-C18 Platform Harness Connector to Chassis Harness.Figure 228. PL-C24 Platform Harness Connector to LH Wiper Motor Harness.Figure 230. PL-C27 Platform Harness Connector to Horn Relay 1 (Under Floor).Figure 231. PL-C29 Platform Harness Connector to A/C Clutch Solenoid Relay (Under Floor).Figure 232. PL-C32 Platform Harness Connector to Engine Harness.Figure 234. WP-C5 Washer Pump Harness Connector to Left Washer Pump.Figure 237. Horn Relay 1 (Under Floor).Figure 238. Reversing Fan Relay 1 (Under Floor).Figure 239. A/C Clutch Solenoid Relay (Under Floor).Figure 241. RW-C2 RH Wiper Motor Harness Connector to RH Wiper Motor.Figure 243. T-C2 Condenser Harness Connector to Condenser Motor 2.Figure 245. T-C4 Condenser Harness Connector to Condenser Motor #1.Figure 247. Condenser Relay #1.Figure 249. WC-C2 Winch Solenoid Harness Connector to Platform Harness Connector.Figure 252. Winch Oil Pressure Sensor.Figure 255. WF-C3 Winch Harness Connector to Drive Away Solenoid.Figure 258. Winch Drive Away Solenoid.Figure 262. CH-C18 With Winch - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Raise Solenoid.Figure 263. CH-C19 With Winch - Chassis Harness to Blade Lower Solenoid.Figure 265. CH-C21 With Winch - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Tilt Left Solenoid.Figure 267. CH-C23 With Winch - Chassis Harness Connector to Blade Angle Left Solenoid.Figure 269. HT-1, HT-2, HT-3 and HT-4 Forward Fuel Injector Harness.Figure 271. FT-11, FT-22, FT-33, and FT-44 Forward Fuel Injector Harness.Figure 274. C-C14 Cab Harness 12 Volt Power Outlet (Right).ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESGENERALTable 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. 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Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.Table 2. Powertrain and Chassis Troubleshooting with Codes - Continued.CAB TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTable 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. 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A/C Blower Motor Resistor Terminal 3.Figure 17. Inside Cab Filter.Figure 18. Armored HVAC Filter Cover.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 19. Armored HVAC Filter Cover.Figure 20. Inside Cab Filter.Figure 21. Blower Motor Resistor and Wiring Harness.Figure 22. A/C Blower Motor Resistor Terminal 4.Figure 23. Inside Cab Filter.Figure 24. Armored HVAC Filter Cover.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 25. HVAC Filter Cover.Figure 26. Inside Cab Filter.Figure 27. Blower Motor Resistor and Wiring Harness.Figure 28. A/C Blower Motor Resistor Terminal Motor.Figure 29. Inside Cab Filter.Figure 30. HVAC Filter Cover.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 31. A/C Refrigerant Monitor Circuit and Compressor Clutch Solenoid Status.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 32. Ground Point of Engine Harness.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 33. Lamp Relay Fuse Bottom Terminal.Figure 34. Lamp Relay Fuse Top Terminal.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 35. Ground Point.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. 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Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Figure 42. Flood Lamp and Bulb Connector Terminals.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.Table 1. 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Blade, Winch, and Ripper Troubleshooting With Codes - Continued.Table 2. Blade, Winch, and Ripper Troubleshooting With Codes - Continued.Table 2. Blade, Winch, and Ripper Troubleshooting With Codes - Continued.Table 2. Blade, Winch, and Ripper Troubleshooting With Codes - Continued.ENGINE MECHANICAL TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Cylinder and Valve Location.Figure 2. Cylinder and Valve Location.Figure 3. Setting Valve Lash.Figure 4. Camshaft Timing Pin.Figure 5. Crankshaft Timing Pin.Figure 6. Front Gear Group.Figure 7. Drive Belt Inspection.Figure 8. Cylinder Head Flatness Test.ENGINE LUBRICATION TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Engine Oil Pressure Test Port.FUEL SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFUEL QUALITY TESTFUEL QUALITY TEST PRIME PUMP FLOW TESTFigure 2. Fuel Rail Pump Solenoid Menu.Figure 3. Solenoid Testing.Figure 4. Low Pressure Fuel System Test Port.HIGH PRESSURE FUEL SYSTEM TESTFigure 5. Solenoid Change.Figure 6. Fuel Return Line.Figure 7. Secondary Fuel Tube.Figure 8. Injector Leak-Off Kit.Figure 9. Secondary Fuel Tube.Figure 10. Injector Trim.COOLING SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSVisual Inspection of Cooling SystemFigure 1. Cooling Module.Figure 2. Water Pump Vent Hole.Figure 3. Water Pump Impeller and Drive Gear.Figure 4. Engine Oil Cooler.Figure 5. Demand Fan Manifold.HYDRAULIC FAN SPEED CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENTFigure 6. Hydraulic Fan.Figure 7. Engine Cooling Fan Calibration Menu.Figure 8. Fan Calibration Warning.Figure 9. Component Selection Menu.Calibration for Maximum Fan SpeedFigure 10. Maximum Fan Speed Calibration.Figure 11. Maximum Fan Speed Calibration Success.Calibration for Minimum Fan SpeedFigure 12. Minimum Fan Speed Calibration.Figure 13. Minimum Fan Speed Calibration Success.AIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Air Hoses and Charge Air Cooler.Figure 2. Air Cleaner Housing and Check Valve.Figure 3. Valve Cover and Breather.Figure 4. Exhaust Manifold, Elbow, and Muffler.Figure 5. Wastegate Solenoid and Lines.Figure 6. Turbocharger Compressor.Figure 7. Turbocharger Turbine.Turbocharger Oil Supply and Oil Drain LinesSTARTING SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSETHER INJECTION SOLENOID OVERRIDE TESTFigure 1. Override Parameters Menu.Figure 2. Ether Injection Override Menu.Figure 3. Ether Injection Change Window.ALTERNATOR AND CHARGING SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Ammeter.Figure 2. Ammeter Connection.Figure 3. Alternator.BATTERY CLEANINGBATTERY AND CABLES INSPECTIONFigure 4. Ground Cable to Disconnect Switch.Figure 5. Starter Ground Cable.Figure 6. Negative Cable of NATO Slave Receptacle.Figure 7. Arctic Heater Negative Battery Cable.Figure 8. Positive and Negative Battery Voltage Test.Figure 9. Battery to Junction Box.Figure 10. Junction Box to Starter.Figure 11. Junction Box to Fuse Panel.Figure 12. Positive Contact of NATO Slave Receptacle.Figure 13. Alternator to Fuse Panel Cable.Figure 14. Arctic Heater Positive Battery Cable.BATTERY CHARGING OUT OF MACHINEBATTERY CHARGING WITH NATO SLAVE RECEPTACLEPOWERTRAIN TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSPOWERTRAIN TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTS - ContinuedTRANSMISSION STALL TESTFigure 1. Test Panel.Figure 3. Transmission Stall Test.TRANSMISSION STALL TEST CONTINUEDHYDROSTATIC PUMP AND MOTOR EFFICIENCY TESTFigure 4. Test Panel.Figure 5. Configuration Menu.Figure 6. Parking Brake Lockout Configuration Change.Figure 7. Hystat Outputs.Figure 8. Configuration Menu.Figure 9. Parking Brake Lockout Configuration Change.FINAL HYDROSTATIC SPEED TESTFigure 10. Drive Motor Speed/Direction Status Screen.Figure 11. Test Panel Forward Pressure Ports.Figure 12. Hydrostatic Pump Reverse Pressure Test Ports.FINAL HYDROSTATIC SPEED TEST CONTINUEDDECELERATION/BRAKE PEDAL TEST - HYDRAULICFigure 13. Test Panel.DECELERATION/BRAKE PEDAL TEST - HYDRAULIC CONTINUEDCHARGE RELIEF VALVE - ADJUSTFigure 14. Charge Relief Valve.Figure 15. Locknut and Adjustment Screw.CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE ADJUSTFigure 17. Travel Pressure Sensor.Figure 18. Test Panel.Figure 19. Hydrostatic Pump Pressure Test Port.CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE ADJUST CONTINUEDFigure 20. Crossover Relief Valve.Figure 21. Locknut and Adjustment Screw.Figure 22. Crossover Relief Valve.MOTOR CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE INITIATION SET SCREW - ADJUSTMOTOR CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE INITIATION SET SCREW - ADJUST CONTINUEDFigure 24. Drive Motor Solenoid Valve and Set Screw.PISTON PUMP NEUTRAL ADJUSTMENTFigure 25. X1 and X2 Test Port.Figure 27. Mechanical Adjustment.Figure 28. X1 and X2 Test Port.Figure 29. Hydraulic Adjustment.CALIBRATIONFigure 30. Calibration Menu.Transmission Drive Pump Pressure Override CalibrationINITIAL PRESSURE TESTTable 1. Initial Pressure Test.