LIFT CYLINDER LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Tube to Hose Connection.Figure 2. Doors.Figure 4. Tube Clamps.Figure 5. Quick Drop Valve.Figure 6. Front Hose Clamps.Figure 7. Upper Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 8. Lower Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 9. Cab Interior.Figure 10. Right Cover Plate.Figure 11. Implement Valve.Figure 12. Implement Valve.Figure 13. Right Panel.Figure 14. Cab Interior.Figure 15. Lower Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 16. Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 17. Front Hose Clamps.Figure 18. Quick Drop Valve.Figure 19. Tube Clamps.Figure 20. Hose Bracket.Figure 22. Tube to Hose Connection.TILT CYLINDER LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Doors.Figure 3. Radiator Hose Clamp.Figure 4. Hose Clamp.Figure 5. Hose Clamp.Figure 6. Hose Clamp.Figure 7. Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 8. Cab Interior.Figure 9. Right Panel.Figure 10. Control Valve.Figure 11. Right Panel.Figure 12. Cab Interior.Figure 13. Rear Hose Clamps.Figure 14. Hose Clamp.Figure 15. Hose Clamp.Figure 16. Hose Clamp.Figure 17. Radiator Hose Clamp.Figure 19. Doors.BOTTOM GUARDS REPLACEMENTFRONT BOTTOM GUARD REMOVALFigure 1. Front Bottom Guard.Figure 2. Middle Bottom Guard Support.Figure 3. Middle Bottom Guard.Figure 4. Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 5. Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 6. Middle Bottom Guard Support.Figure 7. Middle Bottom Guard.Figure 8. Front Bottom Guard.HOOD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fresh Air Intake Cover.Figure 4. Air Cleaner.Figure 5. Pre-Cleaner Body Assembly.Figure 7. Mount.Figure 9. Slides.Figure 10. Grommets.Figure 11. Slides.Figure 13. Mount.Figure 14. Plates.Figure 16. Air Cleaner.Figure 18. Fresh Air Intake Cover.Figure 19. Plate.ENGINE ENCLOSURE LEFT DOOR SERVICEFigure 1. Left Door Assembly.Figure 2. Hinge Plate.Figure 3. Striker Plate.Figure 4. Latch Assembly.Figure 5. Latch Pawl.Figure 6. Door Rod.Figure 7. Door Seals.Figure 8. Door Rod.Figure 10. Latch Assembly.Figure 11. Striker Plate.Figure 12. Hinge Plate.Figure 13. Left Door Assembly.ENGINE ENCLOSURE LEFT DOOR SERVICE - ContinuedENGINE ENCLOSURE LEFT DOOR GUARD SERVICEFigure 2. Left Engine Guard.Figure 3. Mounting Plate.Figure 4. Plates.Figure 5. Arctic Heater Port.Figure 6. Plates.Figure 8. Left Engine Guard.Figure 9. Left Engine Plate.ENGINE ENCLOSURE RIGHT DOOR SERVICEFigure 1. Right Door Assembly.Figure 2. Hinge Plate.Figure 3. Striker Plate.Figure 4. Latch Assembly.Figure 5. Latch Pawl.Figure 6. Door Rod.Figure 7. Door Seals.Figure 8. Door Rod.Figure 10. Latch Assembly.Figure 11. Striker Plate.Figure 12. Hinge Plate.Figure 13. Right Door Assembly.ENGINE ENCLOSURE RIGHT DOOR SERVICE - ContinuedENGINE ENCLOSURE RIGHT DOOR GUARD SERVICEFigure 2. Plates.Figure 3. Right Engine Plate and Guard.RADIATOR GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Doors.Figure 2. Cylinder Caps.Figure 3. Cylinder Bracket.Figure 4. Radiator Drain Hose and Fitting.Figure 7. Harness.Figure 9. Cover.Figure 10. Bracket Links.Figure 11. Pins.Figure 12. Pins.Figure 13. Bracket Links.Figure 15. Lines.Figure 17. Manifold.Figure 19. Radiator Drain Hose and Fitting.Figure 20. Cylinder Bracket.Figure 21. Cylinder Caps.Figure 22. Doors.PLATFORM ENCLOSURE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Steering Control.Figure 2. Engine Harness.Figure 3. Heater Core Cover.Figure 4. Heater and A/C Hoses.Figure 5. A/C Hoses.Figure 6. Light Harness.Figure 7. Fuse Box Cables.Figure 8. Fuse Box Connection.Figure 9. Brake Solenoid Wiring.Figure 10. Brake Solenoid.Figure 11. Transmission Harness Connectors.Figure 12. Chassis Harness Connectors.Figure 13. Arctic Heater Harness Connectors.Figure 14. Bracket Links.Figure 15. Rear Cab Mount.Figure 16. Front Cab Mounts.Figure 17. Lower Mounts.Figure 18. Bracket Links.Figure 19. Lower Mounts.Figure 20. Front Cab Mounts.Figure 21. Rear Cab Mount.Figure 23. Arctic Heater Harness Connectors.Figure 24. Chassis Harness Connectors.Figure 25. Transmission Harness Connectors.Figure 26. Brake Solenoid.Figure 27. Brake Solenoid Wiring.Figure 28. Fuse Box Connection.Figure 29. Fuse Box Cables.Figure 30. Light Harness.Figure 31. A/C Hoses.Figure 32. Heater and A/C Hoses.Figure 33. Heater Core Cover.Figure 34. Engine Harness.Figure 35. Steering Control.PLATFORM ENCLOSURE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedLEFT PLATFORM ACCESS PANELSFigure 2. Lower Left Panel.Figure 3. Upper Left Panel.Figure 4. Upper Left Panel.Figure 5. Cab Interior.RIGHT PLATFORM ACCESS PANELS SERVICEFigure 1. Cab Interior.Figure 2. Right Armrest Bracket.Figure 3. Lower Right Access Panel Removal.Figure 4. Upper Right Access Panel.Figure 5. Switch Pod.Figure 6. Switch Pod Connectors.Figure 7. Pod Harness.Figure 8. Switch Panel Harness.Figure 9. Switch Panel Harness.Figure 10. Pod Harness.Figure 11. Switch Pod Connectors.Figure 13. Upper Right Access Panel.Figure 14. Lower Right Access Panels Installation.Figure 15. Right Armrest Bracket.Figure 16. Cab Interior.PLATFORM WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Right Rear Harness Routing.Figure 2. Right Side Harness Routing.Figure 3. Harness Connector, Plate, and Clip.Figure 4. Right Front Harness Routing.Figure 5. Platform Harness to Instrument Panel Harness Connector.Figure 6. Platform Harness to Platform Floor.Figure 8. Platform Rear Harness Connections.Figure 9. Platform Rear Harness Connectors.Figure 10. Platform Rear Harness Connector Plate.Figure 12. Platform Rear Harness Routing.Figure 13. Machine ECM Connector.Figure 14. Harness Ground Cables.Figure 15. Left Side Harness Routing.Figure 16. Left Side Harness Routing.Figure 17. Harness Ground Cables.Figure 18. Machine ECM Connector.Figure 21. Platform Rear Harness Connector Plate.Figure 22. Platform Rear Harness Connectors.Figure 23. Platform Rear Harness Connections.Figure 24. Fuse Panel Access Door.Figure 26. Platform Harness to Instrument Panel Harness Connector.Figure 27. Right Front Harness Routing.Figure 28. Harness Connector, Plate, and Clip.Figure 29. Right Side Harness Routing.Figure 30. Right Rear Harness Routing.CYLINDER FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICEFigure 2. Bracket.Figure 3. Guard.Figure 4. Flood Lamp Removal.Figure 5. Disconnecting Lamp Connectors.Figure 6. Bulb Assembly Removal.Figure 7. Connecting Lamp Connectors.Figure 8. Flood Lamp Installation.Figure 9. Guard.Figure 10. Bracket.Figure 11. Flood Lamp Assembly. BANK GP - TEST 5 SERVICE WITH RIPPER EFFECTIVITY NOTICE (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Top Hose.Figure 2. Control Valve Hoses.Figure 3. Hoses and Lines.Figure 4. Control Lever Linkage.Figure 5. Front Side Hose.Figure 6. Control Valve Mounting.Figure 7. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 8. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 9. Steering Control Valve Manifold.Figure 10. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve Manifold.Figure 11. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 12. Ripper Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 13. Ripper Lift Control Valve Manifold.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFigure 15. Ripper Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 16. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 17. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve Manifold.Figure 18. Steering Control Valve Manifold.Figure 19. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 20. Control Valve Assembly.Figure 21. Control Valve Mounting.Figure 22. Front Side Hose.Figure 23. Control Lever Linkage.Figure 24. Hoses and Lines.Figure 25. Control Valve Hoses.Figure 26. Top Hose.VALVE BANK GP - TEST 4 SERVICE WITH WINCH EFFECTIVITY NOTICE (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Hose Removal from Valve Bank.Figure 2. Hose Connections at Front of Valve Bank.Figure 4. Disconnecting Steering Control Link.Figure 5. Valve Bank Mounting.Figure 6. Hose Removal.Figure 7. Valve Bank Mounting.Figure 8. Valve Bank Cover Removal.Figure 9. Cover O-ring Removal.Figure 10. Winch Valve Removal.Figure 11. O-ring Removal.Figure 12. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 13. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve Manifold.Figure 14. Steering Control Valve Manifold.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFigure 16. O-ring Installation.Figure 17. Steering Control Valve Installation.Figure 19. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve Manifold.Figure 20. Winch Control Valve Manifold.Figure 21. O-ring Installation.Figure 22. Valve Bank Cover Installation.Figure 23. Bracket Link.Figure 24. Hose Installation.Figure 25. Control Valve Mounting.Figure 27. Hose Connections at Rear of Valve Bank.Figure 29. Hose Installation.RIPPER MANIFOLD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ripper Manifold.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONWINCH MANIFOLD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Winch Manifold Harness.Figure 2. Winch Manifold Removal.Figure 3. Winch Manifold.Figure 4. Winch Manifold.Figure 5. Winch Manifold Installation.Figure 6. Winch Manifold Harness.QUICK DROP VALVE SERVICEFigure 1. Doors.Figure 2. Valve Cover.Figure 3. Upper Hoses.Figure 4. Quick Drop Valve.INSTALLATIONFigure 5. Upper Hoses.Figure 7. Doors.CONTROL MANIFOLD SERVICEFigure 1. Electrical Connector.Figure 2. Control Valve Line.Figure 3. Control Valve Hoses.Figure 4. Control Manifold Assembly Sampling Valve and Fitting.Figure 5. Sampling Valve and Fittings Disassembly.Figure 6. Control Manifold Assembly Diagnostic Port Fitting.Figure 7. Diagnostic Port Fitting Disassembly.Figure 8. Pressure Reducing Valve.Figure 10. Control Manifold Assembly Elbow Fitting.Figure 12. Control Manifold Assembly T Fitting.Figure 13. Fitting Disassembly.Figure 14. Rear Check Valve.Figure 15. Accumulator.Figure 17. Solenoid.Figure 18. Coil.Figure 19. Accumulator.Figure 20. Rear Check Valve.Figure 21. Fitting Assembly.Figure 22. Control Manifold Assembly T Fitting.Figure 23. Elbow Fitting Assembly.Figure 25. Front Check Valve.Figure 27. Diagnostic Port Fitting Disassembly.Figure 28. Control Manifold Assembly Diagnostic Port Fitting.Figure 29. Sampling Valve and Fittings Assembly.Figure 30. Control Manifold Assembly Sampling Valve and Fitting.Figure 31. Control Valve Hoses.Figure 32. Control Valve Line.Figure 33. Electrical Connector.Figure 34. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 35. Accumulator.CONTROL MANIFOLD SERVICE - ContinuedCOUNTERBALANCE VALVE SERVICEFigure 1. Counterbalance Valve.Figure 2. Counterbalance Valve Mounting.Figure 3. Counterbalance Valve Mounting.Figure 4. Counterbalance Valve.LOWERING EQUIPMENT WITH ENGINE STOPPEDFigure 2. Cover.Figure 3. Valve Bank.ACCESS COVER INSTALLATIONFigure 5. Fire Extinguisher and Bracket.BLOWER FAN CASE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Temperature Switch Tube.Figure 3. Temperature Switch.Figure 4. Blower Motor.Figure 5. Resistor Connection.Figure 7. Blower Motor Cover.Figure 8. Gasket.Figure 9. Blower Motor Cover.Figure 11. Resistor Connection.Figure 12. Blower Motor.Figure 13. Temperature Switch.Figure 14. Temperature Switch Tube.BLOWER FAN CASE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR CONDITIONER EVAPORATOR COIL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Cab Filter.Figure 4. Hose Assembly.Figure 5. A/C Evaporator Inspection.Figure 6. Temperature Switch Tube.Figure 8. Cover.HEATER COIL REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Heater Hoses.Figure 3. Heater Coil.Figure 4. Heater Coil Inspection.Figure 5. Heater Hoses.Figure 6. Heater Hose Valves.FRONT WIPER MOTOR, WIPER ARM AND WIPER BLADE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 4. Spray Nozzle, Hose, and Wiper Arm.Figure 5. Wiper Motor Assembly.Figure 7. Wiper Motor Assembly.Figure 8. Spray Nozzle, Hose, and Wiper Arm.Figure 10. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 11. Cab Mirror.REAR WIPER MOTOR, WIPER ARM, AND WIPER BLADE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Spray Nozzle, Hose, and Wiper Arm.Figure 3. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 6. Bolt and Sleeve.Figure 8. Connector.Figure 9. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 10. Spray Nozzle, Hose, and Wiper Arm.Figure 11. Wiper Blade.WASHER BOTTLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Washer Bottle.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONROPS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Connectors.Figure 2. ROPS.Figure 3. ROPS.Figure 4. Connectors.FRONT WASHER HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Washer Hose.Figure 3. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 4. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 6. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 7. Front Washer Hose.Figure 8. Front Wiper.REAR WASHER HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rear Washer Hose.Figure 3. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 4. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 5. Left Column Access Hole.Figure 6. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 7. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 8. Rear Washer Hose.Figure 9. Rear Wiper.DOOR WASHER HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door.Figure 2. Door Wiper.Figure 3. Door Washer Hose.Figure 4. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 5. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 6. Left Column Access Hole.Figure 7. Left Column Access Hole.Figure 8. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 9. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 10. Door Washer Hose.Figure 11. Door Wiper.Figure 12. Door.HEADLINER AND INTERIOR TRIM PANELS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 4. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 6. Rear Wiper Motor Connector.Figure 7. Rear Headliner Connectors.Figure 8. Headliner Harness.Figure 10. Wiper Control Plate Assembly.Figure 12. Cab Lamp Screws.Figure 13. Right-hand Pillar Liner.Figure 14. Left-hand Pillar Liner.Figure 15. Right-hand Pillar Liner.Figure 17. Cab Lamp Assembly.Figure 19. Speaker.Figure 20. Headliner Harness.Figure 21. Rear Headliner Connectors.Figure 22. Rear Wiper Motor Connector.Figure 24. Wiper Motor Cover.Figure 25. Headliner and Plate.Figure 27. Rearview Mirror.FRONT FLOOR PLATE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Floor Plates.Figure 3. Floor Mat.REAR FLOOR PLATE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rear Floor Plate.Figure 3. Rear Floor Plate.HEADLINER HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Headliner Harness.HEADLINER HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCAB OVERHEAD INTERIOR LAMP REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Cab Lamp Screws.Figure 4. Cab Lamp Assembly.WIPER CONTROL PLATE AND SWITCHES REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Wiper Control Wiring Harness.Figure 3. Wiper Control Switches.Figure 4. Wiper Control Wiring Harness.Figure 5. Wiper Control Plate Assembly.REARVIEW MIRROR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Rearview Mirror Mount.Figure 3. Rearview Mirror.MESSENGER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Messenger.MESSENGER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSTEERING, TRANSMISSION CONTROL AND PARKING BRAKE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Steering Control Rod.Figure 2. Steering Control Housing.Figure 3. Control Console.Figure 4. Shaft and Collar.Figure 5. Main Control Housing.Figure 7. Parking Brake Switch.Figure 8. Parking Brake Switch Bracket.Figure 10. Shafts.Figure 11. Handle Assembly.Figure 12. Backup Alarm Switch Connections.Figure 13. Backup Alarm Switch.Figure 15. Forward/Neutral/Reverse Sensor.Figure 17. Handle Assembly.Figure 19. Lock Assembly.Figure 20. Lock Assembly.Figure 21. Main Control Housing Bearing.Figure 23. Detent Assembly.Figure 26. Backup Alarm Switch.Figure 27. Backup Alarm Switch Connections.Figure 28. Handle Assembly.Figure 29. Shafts.Figure 31. Parking Brake Switch Bracket.Figure 32. Parking Brake Switch.Figure 34. Main Control Housing.Figure 35. Shaft and Collar.Figure 36. Control Console.Figure 37. Steering Control Housing.Figure 38. Steering Control Rod.STEERING CONTROL ROD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Bracket. (Hydraulic lines removed for clarity).Figure 3. Steering Control Rod Adjustment.Figure 4. Bracket. (Hydraulic lines removed for clarity).Figure 5. Steering Control Rod.ACCUMULATOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Accumulator.INSTALLATIONRECEIVER DRYER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Receiver Dryer.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONAIR CONDITIONING HIGH PRESSURE HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Compressor Hose to Condenser.Figure 2. Receiver Dryer Hose to Evaporator Coil.Figure 3. Receiver Dryer Hose to Condenser Coil.Figure 4. Receiver Dryer Hose to Condenser Coil.Figure 5. Receiver Dryer Hose to Evaporator Coil.Figure 6. Compressor Hose to Condenser.AIR CONDITIONING LOW PRESSURE HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Compressor Hose to Accumulator.Figure 2. Accumulator Hose to Evaporator Coil.Figure 3. Accumulator Hose Clip.Figure 4. Evaporator Coil.Figure 5. Evaporator Coil.Figure 6. Accumulator Hose to Evaporator Coil.Figure 7. Accumulator Hose Clip.Figure 8. Compressor Hose to Accumulator.HEATER LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Heater Hose Shutoff Valves.Figure 2. Right Side Connections.Figure 4. Rear Engine Connections.Figure 5. Heater Coil and Water Valve.Figure 6. Heater Coil and Water Valve.Figure 7. Rear Engine Connections.Figure 8. Transmission Cooler Strap.Figure 10. Heater Hose Shutoff Valves.HEATER LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWATER VALVE AND CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Water Valve Cable Routing.Figure 3. Water Valve.Figure 4. Heater Control Knob.Figure 5. Instrument Panel.Figure 6. Cable.Figure 7. Cable Routing.Figure 9. Heater Control Knob.Figure 10. Instrument Panel.Figure 11. Water Valve.Figure 12. Water Valve Cable Routing.Figure 13. Water Valve Hoses.CAB REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Electrical Harness and Washer Hoses.Figure 2. Messenger Assembly.Figure 3. Rifle Rack.Figure 4. Cab Bolts at Door.Figure 5. Cab Bolts.Figure 6. Instrument Panel.Figure 7. Surround.Figure 9. Cab.Figure 10. Cab.Figure 11. Cab.Figure 12. Harness Connector and Angle Bracket.Figure 14. Instrument Panel.Figure 16. Cab Bolts at Door.Figure 17. Rifle Rack.Figure 18. Messenger Assembly.Figure 19. Electrical Harness and Washer Hoses.WINDOW REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Window.Figure 2. Rear Window.Figure 3. Right Side Windows.Figure 4. Left Side Windows.Figure 5. Left Side Windows.Figure 6. Right Side Windows.Figure 7. Rear Window.Figure 8. Front Window.SEAT ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 2. Seat.Figure 3. Seat Belt Retractor.Figure 5. Seat Back Cushion.Figure 7. Seat Cushion.Figure 9. Mark Latch and Gear.Figure 11. Latch.Figure 13. Seat Recliner Brackets.Figure 14. Recliner Shaft.Figure 15. Lumbar Support Adjustment Knob.Figure 17. Seat Adjuster Release Lever.Figure 19. Seat Back Bag.Figure 20. Lumbar Support.Figure 22. Seat Adjuster Springs.Figure 24. Recliner Shaft.Figure 25. Seat Recliner Brackets.Figure 27. Latch.Figure 29. Mark Latch and Gear.Figure 32. Seat Cushion.Figure 33. Seat Back Cushion.Figure 35. Seat Belt Retractor.Figure 36. Seat.Figure 37. Headrest.SEAT SUSPENSION REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Seat Suspension Mounting.Figure 2. Seat Suspension Mounting.DOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Interior Door Handle.Figure 4. Cap and Grip Handle.Figure 6. Interior Cover.Figure 7. Door Striker.Figure 8. Hose and Electrical Connector.Figure 9. Exterior Door Latch.Figure 10. Door and Seal.Figure 11. Window and Seal.Figure 12. Retaining Pin.Figure 14. Linkage Assembly.Figure 15. Door Seals.Figure 16. Linkage Assembly.Figure 18. Retaining Pin.Figure 19. Window and Seal.Figure 20. Door and Seal.Figure 21. Exterior Door Latch.Figure 22. Hose and Electrical Connector.Figure 23. Door Striker.Figure 24. Interior Cover.Figure 26. Cap and Grip Handle.Figure 28. Interior Door Handle.DOOR WIPER MOTOR, WIPER ARM AND WIPER BLADE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Spray Nozzle and Hose.Figure 4. Wiper Arm Assembly.Figure 5. Wiper Motor Assembly.Figure 6. Spray Nozzle and Hoses.Figure 8. Wiper Motor Assembly.Figure 9. Spray Nozzle and Hoses.Figure 10. Wiper Motor Assembly.Figure 11. Wiper Arm Assembly.Figure 13. Spray Nozzle and Hose.Figure 14. Wiper Blade.OUTSIDE CAB DOOR LATCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Door Striker.Figure 3. Latch Assembly.Figure 5. Latch Assembly.Figure 6. Latch Striker.Figure 7. Door Latch Bracket.CAB FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICECAB FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Flood Lamp Assembly.Figure 2. Flood Lamp.Figure 3. Lamp Connectors.Figure 4. Bulb Assembly.Figure 5. Bulb Assembly.Figure 6. Lamp Connectors.Figure 7. Flood Lamp.Figure 8. Flood Lamp Assembly.CAB FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICE - ContinuedENGINE FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICEFigure 2. Flood Lamp Assembly.Figure 3. Flood Lamp and Adjusting Bracket.Figure 4. Adjusting Bracket Assembly.Figure 5. Flood Lamp Switch.Figure 7. Mounting Bracket.Figure 9. Flood Lamp Connections.Figure 11. Bulb Assembly.Figure 12. Flood Lamp Connections.Figure 14. Mounting Bracket.Figure 16. Flood Lamp Switch.Figure 17. Adjusting Bracket Assembly.Figure 18. Flood Lamp and Adjusting Bracket.Figure 19. Flood Lamp Assembly.ENGINE FLOOD LAMP AND BRACKET SERVICE - ContinuedCAB WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door.Figure 2. Electrical Harness and Washer Hoses.Figure 3. Instrument Panel.Figure 4. Surround.Figure 5. Instrument Panel Connector.Figure 6. Front Wiper.Figure 7. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 8. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 9. Left Column Access Hole.Figure 11. Cab Wiring Harness.Figure 12. Cab Wiring Harness.Figure 13. Ground Connection.Figure 15. Hose and Harness Conduit.Figure 16. Washer Electrical Harness and Hoses.Figure 17. Front Wiper.Figure 18. Instrument Panel Connector.Figure 19. Surround.Figure 20. Instrument Panel.Figure 21. Electrical Harness and Washer Hoses.Figure 22. Door.FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fire Extinguisher Brackets.Figure 3. Fire Extinguisher.PILOT VALVE SERVICE (WITH RIPPER)Figure 2. Pilot Valve and Hand Control Assembly.Figure 3. Knob, Base Plate and Fittings.Figure 4. Knob, Base Plate and Fittings.Figure 5. Pilot Valve and Hand Control Assembly.PILOT VALVE SERVICE (WITH WINCH)Figure 2. Winch Pilot Valve and Plate Assembly.Figure 3. Hoses and Pilot Valve.PILOT VALVE SERVICE (WITH WINCH) - ContinuedGOVERNOR AND BRAKE PEDAL REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Tiedown Strap.Figure 3. Instrument Panel Electrical Connectors.Figure 5. Electrical Connector.Figure 6. Wiring Harnesses and Mounting.Figure 7. Brake Pedal, Foot Pad, and Sensor.Figure 8. Brake Pedal, Foot Pad, and Sensor.Figure 10. Decelerator Pedal.Figure 11. Decelerator Pedal.Figure 13. Brake Pedal, Foot Pad, and Sensor.Figure 15. Wiring Harnesses and Mounting.Figure 16. Electrical Connector.Figure 18. Dash Electrical Connectors.Figure 20. Instrument Panel.PILOT VALVE BULLDOZER SERVICEFigure 1. Hoses and Pilot Valve.Figure 2. Retainer Plate.Figure 4. Handle.Figure 5. Retainer Plate.Figure 7. Boot.Figure 8. Retainer Plate.Figure 9. Handle.Figure 10. Electrical Connector.Figure 12. Retainer Plate.INSTRUMENT PANEL HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Back of Instrument Panel.Figure 2. Instrument Panel Lights.Figure 3. Platform Harness to Instrument Panel Harness Connector.Figure 4. Instrument Panel Main Harness Connector.Figure 6. Instrument Panel Main Harness Connector.Figure 7. Instrument Panel Main Harness Connector.Figure 9. Instrument Panel Main Harness Connector.Figure 11. Instrument Panel Lights.Figure 12. Back of Instrument Panel.AIR CONDITIONING PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Air Conditioning Pressure Switch.AIR CONDITIONING PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedINSTRUMENT PANEL SERVICEFigure 1. Instrument Panel.Figure 2. Back of Instrument Panel.Figure 3. Heater Control Cable.Figure 5. Support Cable and Gauge Lights.Figure 6. Heater Control Knob.Figure 7. Connector Clamps and Brackets.Figure 8. Indicator Bulb.Figure 9. Upper Half of Instrument Panel.Figure 10. Lower Half of Instrument Panel.Figure 12. Level and Bracket.Figure 13. Level and Bracket.Figure 14. Light Socket Base.Figure 15. Lower Half of Instrument Panel.Figure 16. Upper Half of Instrument Panel.Figure 17. Indicator Bulb.Figure 18. Connector Clamps and Brackets.Figure 19. Heater Control Knob.Figure 20. Support Cable and Gauge Lights.Figure 21. Instrument Panel Lights.Figure 23. Back of Instrument Panel.Figure 24. Instrument Panel.AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM SERVICELEAK TESTFigure 1. Recovery Hook-Up.EVACUATIONFigure 2. Evacuation Hook-Up.Figure 3. Low Pressure Gauge.CHARGINGFigure 4. Charging Hook-Up.YOKE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Pin and Yoke.Figure 4. Bearing and Bearing Angle.Figure 5. Pin and Yoke.Figure 6. Cover.LIFT CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Lower Hose Connection Cover.Figure 2. Upper Hose Connection Cover.Figure 3. Upper Hose Connection.Figure 4. Lower Hose Connection.Figure 5. Lower Hose Connection.Figure 6. Upper Hose Connection.Figure 7. Upper Hose Connection Cover.LIFT CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedLIFT CYLINDER (BULLDOZER) REPLACEMENTLIFT CYLINDER (BULLDOZER) REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Upper Hose Connection Cover.Figure 2. Upper Hose Connection.Figure 3. Tube.Figure 4. Rod.Figure 5. Cylinder.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFigure 6. Cylinder.Figure 8. Tube.Figure 9. Upper Hose Connection.Figure 10. Upper Hose Connection Cover.TILT CYLINDER (BULLDOZER) REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Covers.Figure 2. Hoses.Figure 3. Sling and Lifting Device.Figure 5. Yoke.Figure 6. Fitting.Figure 7. Sling and Lifting Device.Figure 9. Retainer and Pin.Figure 10. Hoses.Figure 11. Covers.BLADE ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Hoses and Manifold.Figure 2. Manifold Plugs.Figure 3. Lift Cylinder Yoke.Figure 4. Retaining Clamps.Figure 5. Push Arm.Figure 6. Push Arm Yoke.Figure 7. Support Stabilizer Bar.Figure 8. Blade Support.BLADE ASSEMBLY SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 9. Left Stabilizer Bar.Figure 10. Pin and Lock.Figure 11. Knuckle.Figure 12. Stabilizer Bar Yoke on Blade.Figure 13. Stabilizer Bar Yoke on Blade.Figure 14. Knuckle.Figure 15. Pin and Lock.Figure 16. Left Stabilizer Bar.Figure 17. Blade Support.Figure 18. Push Arm Yoke.Figure 20. Retaining Clamps.Figure 21. Lift Cylinder Yoke.Figure 22. Support Stabilizer Bar.Figure 23. Manifold Plugs.Figure 24. Hoses and Manifold.BLADE CUTTING EDGE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Blade Assembly.Figure 2. Blade Cutting Edges.Figure 3. Blade Cutting Edge Inspection.Figure 4. Blade Cutting Edges.Figure 5. Blade Assembly.Figure 6. Cutting Edge Rotation.BLADE TILT ADJUSTMENTBLADE TILT ADJUSTMENTFigure 1. Tilt Cylinder and Pin.BLADE PITCH ADJUSTMENTFigure 1. Left Hand Stabilizer Bar and Pin.BLADE PITCH ADJUSTMENT WINCH ASSEMBLY SERVICEWINCH ASSEMBLY SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Winch Cover Removal.Figure 2. Winch Hoses.Figure 3. Bracket.Figure 4. Lifting Device Attached to Winch.Figure 5. Winch.Figure 6. Winch Adapter.Figure 7. Winch Adapter Removal.Figure 8. Installing Winch on Machine.Figure 9. Winch Bolt.Figure 11. Winch Hoses.Figure 12. Winch Cover.WINCH HOSES REPLACEMENTWINCH HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Winch Cover Removal.Figure 2. Hose Connections at Manifold.Figure 3. Retainer Clip Removal.Figure 5. Hose Retainer Clip Removal.Figure 7. Pump Hose and Retainer.Figure 8. Pump Hose and Retainer Clips.Figure 9. Hose Connections at Valve Bank.Figure 11. Hose Retainer Clip Installation.Figure 13. Hose Connections at Manifold.Figure 14. Winch Cover Installation.WINCH HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWINCH OIL SERVICEFigure 1. Winch Plug Locations.WINCH OIL SERVICE - ContinuedWINCH CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Winch Cable.Figure 2. Removing Cable from Drum.Figure 3. Installing Cable on Winch Drum.CYLINDER HOSE REPLACEMENTCYLINDER HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Ripper Cylinder Hose.Figure 2. Ripper Cylinder Hose.CYLINDER HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCYLINDER, RIPPER LIFT SERVICECYLINDER, RIPPER LIFT SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Ripper Lift Cylinder.Figure 3. Ripper Lift Cylinder Rod End.Figure 5. Ripper Lift Cylinder.Figure 6. Ripper Lift Cylinder Head End.Figure 8. Ripper Lift Cylinder.CYLINDER, RIPPER TILT SERVICEFigure 1. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Hose Assemblies.Figure 2. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Support.Figure 3. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Head End.Figure 5. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Support.Figure 6. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Rod End.Figure 8. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Assemblies.RIPPER FRAME ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Ripper Frame Support.Figure 2. Ripper Frame.Figure 3. Tiedown Plate.Figure 4. Tiedown Plate.Figure 5. Ripper Frame Support.Figure 6. Ripper Frame.RIPPER TOOTH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ripper Tooth.RIPPER TOOTH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedRIPPER SHANK REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Shank.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONRIPPER CARRIAGE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ripper Carriage.Figure 3. Ripper Tilt Cylinder.RIPPER CARRIAGE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Ripper Carriage.RIPPER CARRIAGE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Ripper Carriage.Figure 6. Ripper Tilt Cylinder.Figure 7. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Rod End.Figure 8. Ripper Carriage.ARCTIC KIT TROUBLESHOOTING INTRODUCTIONARCTIC KIT TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEXARCTIC KIT HEATER FUEL FLOW TESTPREPARE FOR TESTFigure 1. Measuring Fuel Flow.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer.Figure 2. Intake and Exhaust Tubes.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.Table 1. Arctic Kit Troubleshooting Procedures for the D7R Dozer - Continued.ARCTIC KIT BATTERY CABLES AND JUNCTION BLOCK POWER CABLE REPLACEMENTARCTIC KIT BATTERY CABLES REMOVALFigure 2. Crossover Cable.Figure 3. Cable Clamps.Figure 4. Positive and Negative Arctic Kit Battery Cables.Figure 5. Positive Battery Cables at Terminal.Figure 6. Negative Battery Cables at Disconnect Switch.Figure 7. Negative Battery Cable and Grommets.Figure 8. Arctic Kit Positive Battery Cable at Terminal.Figure 9. Arctic Kit Positive Battery Cables at Junction Block.Figure 10. Arctic Kit Positive Battery Cables at Junction Block.Figure 11. Arctic Kit Positive Battery Cable at Terminal.Figure 12. Negative Battery Cable and Grommets.Figure 13. Negative Battery Cables at Disconnect Switch.Figure 14. Positive Battery Cables at Terminal.Figure 15. Positive and Negative Arctic Kit Battery Cables.Figure 16. Cable Clamps.Figure 17. Crossover Cable.Figure 18. Arctic Kit Battery Box Cover.ARCTIC KIT BATTERIES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Arctic Kit Battery Box Cover.Figure 2. Crossover Cable.Figure 3. Cable Clamps.Figure 4. Positive and Negative Arctic Kit Battery Cables.Figure 5. Arctic Kit Batteries.INSTALLATIONFigure 6. Positive and Negative Arctic Kit Battery Cables.Figure 7. Cable Clamps.Figure 8. Crossover Cable.Figure 9. Arctic Kit Battery Box Cover.ARCTIC KIT BATTERY BOX REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Arctic Kit Battery Box.Figure 4. Mounting Plates.Figure 7. Mounting Plates.Figure 9. Arctic Kit Battery Box.Figure 10. Battery Box Latch.ARCTIC KIT HEATER SWITCH AND HEATER HARNESS SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Switch Pod.Figure 4. Arctic Kit Heater Switch Harness.Figure 6. Engine Compartment Arctic Kit Heater Harness.Figure 7. Platform Arctic Kit Heater Harness.Figure 8. Platform Arctic Kit Heater Harness.Figure 9. Engine Compartment Arctic Kit Heater Harness.Figure 10. Engine Compartment Arctic Kit Heater Harness at Heater.Figure 12. Arctic Kit Heater Switch.Figure 14. Upper Right Access Panel.ARCTIC KIT HEATER AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 3. Arctic Bracket from Below.Figure 5. Coolant Pump.Figure 6. Fuel Metering Pump.Figure 7. Fuel Metering Pump.Figure 8. Coolant Pump.Figure 9. Arctic Bracket.Figure 11. Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 12. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Shutoff.ARCTIC KIT HEATER HOSES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Arctic Kit Heater Lower Coolant Hose.Figure 2. Hose.Figure 3. Arctic Kit Heater Upper Coolant Hose.Figure 4. Arctic Kit Heater Upper Coolant Routing.Figure 5. Arctic Kit Heater Upper Coolant Fitting.Figure 6. Arctic Kit Heater Upper Coolant Routing.Figure 8. Hose.Figure 9. Arctic Kit Heater Lower Coolant Hose.ARCTIC KIT FUEL METERING PUMP, HOSE, AND FITTING REPLACEMENTREMOVALFigure 1. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Shutoff Valve.Figure 2. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Shutoff Valve.Figure 3. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Metering Pump.Figure 4. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Hose.Figure 5. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Hose.Figure 6. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Metering Pump.Figure 7. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Shutoff Valve.Figure 8. Arctic Kit Heater Fuel Shutoff Valve.ARCTIC KIT FUEL METERING PUMP, HOSE, AND FITTING REPLACEMENT - ContinuedUSING JACK STANDS TO SUPPORT MACHINEFigure 1. Rear Support.Figure 2. Front Support.Figure 3. Rear Support.Figure 4. Front Support.MECHANICAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSWORK SAFETYCLEANING INSTRUCTIONSOil Seals and Flexible Hoses.INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONSREPAIR INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTAGGING INSTRUCTIONSELECTRICAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1. Connector Inspection.Figure 2. Splicing Wires.Figure 3. Ring Terminal Repair.Figure 4. Military Connector Repair.Figure 5. Weatherproof Connector - Female.Figure 6. Female Terminal.Figure 8. Weatherproof Connector - Male.Figure 10. Weatherproof Connector - Male.MULTIMETER USAGERELAY INSPECTION AND TESTINGPREPARATION FOR TRANSPORT AND TOWINGPREPARATION FOR HIGHWAY AND RAIL TRANSPORTFigure 1. Tiedown Locations.PREPARATION FOR MARINE TRANSPORTPREPARATION FOR AIR TRANSPORTFigure 2. Floodlamp Wiring Harness and Connector.Figure 3. Footlight Wiring Harness.Figure 4. Quick Drop Valve Guard.Figure 5. Lift Cylinder Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 7. Lift Cylinder Caps.Figure 8. Exhaust Pipe Plate.ARCTIC KIT HEATER BATTERY BOX REMOVALFigure 10. Battery Cable Connections at Junction Block and Stud.Figure 11. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Box Cover.Figure 12. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Connections.Figure 13. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Box.Figure 14. Wiring Harness and Washer Hoses.Figure 16. Messenger Assembly.Figure 18. Cab Bolts at Door.Figure 20. Instrument Panel.Figure 22. Wiring Harness Connector and Angle Bracket.Figure 23. Cab Lift Eyes.RESTORING D7R DOZER AFTER TRANSPORTFigure 24. Cab Lift Eyes.Figure 25. Wiring Harness Connector and Angle Bracket.Figure 27. Instrument Panel.Figure 29. Cab Bolts at Door.Figure 30. Rifle Rack.Figure 32. Headrest Installation.ARCTIC KIT HEATER BATTERY BOX INSTALLATIONFigure 34. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Box.Figure 35. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Connections.Figure 36. Battery Cable Connections at Junction Block and Stud.Figure 37. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Box Cover.Figure 38. Exhaust Pipe.Figure 39. Exhaust Pipe Plate.Figure 40. Lift Cylinder Caps.Figure 41. Covers.Figure 43. Quick Drop Valve Guard.Figure 45. Floodlamp Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 46. Axle Cap.Figure 47. Thrust Washer.Figure 48. Outer Axle Shaft.Figure 50. Front Towing Eye.TORQUE LIMITSFigure 1. Extension Measurement.Figure 4. Measuring a Bolt.Table 1. Torque Limits - SAE Standard Fasteners.Table 2. Torque Limits - Metric Fasteners.Table 3. 37 Degree Flare Fitting.Table 4. Straight Thread with O-ring.Table 6. O-ring Face Seal End.Table 8. Pipe Fitting.SCHEMATICS INDEXCHAPTER 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESREFERENCES - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MACEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch ?and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and ?D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with RipperTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and ?D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and ?D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and ?D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with RipperTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items for the D7R Series II Dozer, Type I with Winch and D7R Series II Dozer, Type II with Ripper - ContinuedSPECIAL FABRICATED TOOLSPILOT PRESSURE TEST HOSE AND GAUGEIndexIndex - ContinuedIndex - ContinuedIndex - ContinuedFO-1. Map 1.FO-2. Map 2.FO-3. Map 3.FO-4. Sheet 2.FO-5. Sheet 3.FO-6. Sheet 4.FO-7. Sheet 5.FO-8. Sheet 6.FO-9. Sheet 7.FO-10. Sheet 8.FO-11. Sheet 9.FO-12. Sheet 10.FO-13. Sheet 11.FO-14. Sheet 12.FO-15. Sheet 13.FO-16. Sheet 14.FO-17. Sheet 15.FO-18. Sheet 16.FO-19. Sheet 17.FO-20. Sheet 18.FO-21. Sheet 19.FO-22. Sheet 20.FO-23. Sheet 21.FO-24. Sheet 22.FO-25. Sheet 23.FO-26. Sheet 24.FO-27. Sheet 25.FO-28. Sheet 26.FO-29. Sheet 27.FO-30. Sheet 28.FO-31. Sheet 29.FO-32. Sheet 30.FO-33. Sheet 31.FO-34. Sheet 32.