TM 5-2410-240-10
The following performance information can be viewed through Performance menu:
1. Actual engine speed
2. Hydraulic oil temperature
3. Fuel level
4. Engine coolant temperature
5. Engine oil pressure
6. System voltage
7. Left drive motor speed
8. Right drive motor speed
9. Fuel remaining operation time
Machine Settings
The following sub-menus are available through Machine Settings menu:
1. IMPLEMENT - Operator can choose from three levels of modulation:
a. Fine - Implements react slower with same joystick movement as compared to standard setting.
b. Standard - Nominal implement speed setting.
Fast - Implements react faster with same joystick movement as compared to standard setting.
2. HYSTAT - There are two sub-menus available through the HYSTAT menu; Accel/Decel Rate and Brake Pedal
a. ACCEL/DECEL RATE - Operator can choose from three response settings;
(1) Low - Machine accelerates and decelerates slower than Medium settings.
(3) High - Machine accelerates and decelerates faster than Medium settings.
b. BRAKE PEDAL STATUS - Operator can choose from two settings;
(1) Disabled - Pedal functions only as brake pedal.
(2) Enabled - Pedal functions as brake and decelerator pedal.
3. STEERING - Operator can choose from three levels of steering modulation (response rates);
a. Fine - Steering reacts slower with same joystick movement as compared to Medium setting.
b. Medium - Nominal steering modulation setting.
Coarse - Steering reacts faster with same joystick movement as compared to Medium setting.
4. ENGINE - Fuel Efficient Reverse - Operator can choose between two modes;
a. OFF - Fuel Efficient Reverse mode is inactive.
b. Standard - Fuel Efficient Reverse mode is active.
5. FAN AUTO PURGE STATUS - Password protected (not applicable).
6. PURGE INTERVAL - Password protected (not applicable).
7. MONITOR - Operator can scroll through various sub-menus to adjust display backlighting, contrast, language,
units, and date/time.
8. SAVE SETTINGS - Allows operator to save settings.