TM 5-2410-240-23-1
Fuel System
1. The fuel tank capacity is 77.9 gal. (294.8 L).
2. The electric prime pump is built into the primary fuel filter base. To prime the fuel system, the pump operates
for 90 seconds after the operator turns the ignition key switch to the run position. The system vents air back to
the fuel tank through the fuel return line during the priming operation.
Figure 7. Electric Prime Pump.
3. The fuel transfer pump mounts on the fuel injection pump. The fuel transfer pump draws fuel from the fuel tank.
The fuel then flows through the in-line primary fuel filter and water separator to the fuel transfer pump. The fuel
transfer pump increases fuel pressure to a range of 58 to 72.5 psi (400 to 500 kPa), and then pumps the fuel
through the fuel cooler and the secondary and third fuel filter to the injection pump.
Figure 8. Fuel Transfer Pump.