TM 5-2410-240-23-3
Use either low-pressure compressed air or a vacuum to clean primary air filter element.
Direct airflow from inside element and up and down pleats rather than across pleats.
Always blow air from clean side in order to force dirt particles toward dirty side. This
practice helps prevent injury to personnel and damage to the paper pleats.
b. Clean primary air filter element. Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air filter elements that have
not been cleaned more than twice. Pressurized air will not remove deposits of carbon and oil. Discard air
filter element if oil or carbon deposits are observed.
Clean pre-cleaner. If hard deposits of dust or dirt are not removed with compressed air, soak pre-cleaner in
Cleaning Compound Solvent, Type III to loosen deposits, then wash pre-cleaner with spray of water. Use
compressed air to dry pre-cleaner.
3. External Engine Cleaning.
a. Protect all electrical equipment that could be damaged by steam or moisture before steam cleaning.
b. Cover all openings before steam cleaning.
After cleaning, dry and apply a light coat of oil to all parts subject to rust.
d. Clear out all tapped (threaded) holes with compressed air to remove dirt and cleaning fluid.
4. Cleaning Disassembled Parts.
a. Place all disassembled parts in wire baskets for cleaning.
b. Dry and cover all cleaned parts.
Place parts on or in "racks" and hold for inspection or repair.
d. All parts subject to rusting must be lightly oiled and wrapped.
e. Keep all related parts and components together. Do not mix parts.
5. Castings.
a. Clean inner and outer surfaces of castings and all areas subject to grease and oil with solvent cleaning
b. Use a stiff brush to remove sludge and gum deposits.
Clear out all tapped (threaded) holes with compressed air to remove dirt and cleaning solvent.
6. Oil Passages. Particular attention must be given to all oil passages in castings and machined parts. Oil
passages must be clean and free of any obstructions.
a. Clean passages with wire probes to break up any sludge or gum deposits.
b. Wash passages by flushing with solvent cleaning compound.