TM 5-2410-240-23-1
Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Without Codes. - Continued.
3. Air Conditioning Does Not Blow
Test Step 2.
Cold When Maximum Cooling Is
1. Monitor and record low pres-
Low Pressure Gauge and High
Selected - Continued
sure and high pressure gauge
Pressure Gauge is Above Nor-
mal - Proceed to Test Step 3.
Low Pressure Gauge is Above
Normal and High Pressure
Gauge is Below Normal - Pro-
ceed to Test Step 4.
Low Pressure Gauge is Below
Normal and High Pressure
Gauge is Above Normal - Pro-
ceed to Test Step 5.
Low and High Pressure Gauges
are Both Below Normal - Pro-
ceed to Test Step 6.
Low Pressure Gauge is Normal
and High Pressure Gauge is
Below Normal - Proceed to Test
Step 7.
Low Pressure Gauge is Normal
and High Pressure Gauge
Bounces, or High Pressure
Gauge is Unsteady - Proceed to
Test Step 8.
Test Step 3. Low Pressure
Gauge and High Pressure
Gauge Are Above Normal.
1. A/C system is overcharged.
Evacuate and Recharge A/C
System - Evacuate and recharge
A/C system (WP 0254).
Proceed to Test Step 9.