TM 5-2410-241-23-1
The WARNINGs and CAUTIONs appearing in your PMCS table should always be
observed. WARNINGs and CAUTIONs appear before applicable procedures. You must
observe these WARNINGs to prevent injury or death to yourself and others, and
CAUTIONs to prevent your equipment from being damaged.
4. Procedure Column. This column provides the steps required to perform, check, or service the item listed in
the Item to Check/Service column. Follow the steps to make the equipment ready or available for its intended
mission. You must perform the procedure at the time stated in the Interval column.
5. Not Fully Mission Capable If: Column. Information in this column tells you what faults will keep your equip-
ment from being capable of performing its primary mission. If you perform check/service procedures that show
faults listed in this column, the equipment is not mission capable. Follow standard operating procedures for
maintaining the equipment or reporting equipment failure.
1. Intervals (on-condition or hardtime) and the related man-hour times are based on normal operation. The man-
hour time specified is the time you need to do all the services prescribed for a particular interval. Change the
hardtime interval if your lubricants are contaminated or if you are operating the equipment under adverse
operating conditions, including longer-than-usual operating hours. The hardtime interval may be extended
during periods of low activity. If extended, adequate preservation precautions must be taken.
2. The lowest level of maintenance authorized to lubricate a point is indicated by one of the following symbols as
appropriate: Operator/Crew (C).
3. The time specified is the time required to perform all services at the particular interval (on-condition or
4. Always perform PMCS in the same order so it gets to be a habit. Once you have had some practice, you will
spot anything wrong in a hurry. If the equipment does not perform as required, refer to the appropriate trouble-
5. If anything looks wrong and you can not fix it, write it on your DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E. If you find
something seriously wrong, IMMEDIATELY report it to your supervisor.
6. Before performing PMCS, read all the checks required for the applicable interval and prepare all that is needed
to make all the checks. You will always need a Rag, Wiping (WP 0303, Item 24) or two.
Solvent cleaning compound MIL-PRF-680 Type III is an environmentally compliant and
low-toxic material. However, it may be irritating to the eyes and skin. Use protective gloves
and goggles. Use in well-ventilated areas. Keep away from open flames and other
sources of ignition. Failure to follow this warning may cause injury or death to personnel.