CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONDESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USEABBREVIATION/ACRONYMELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE (EMP) EXPOSUREEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. D7R Dozer Left Side 1 of 2.Figure 2. D7R Dozer Left Side 2 of 2.Figure 3. D7R Dozer Right Side 1 of 2.Figure 4. D7R Dozer Right Side 2 of 2.Figure 5. D7R Dozer with Ripper.Figure 6. D7R Dozer with Winch.EQUIPMENT DATAEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedEQUIPMENT DATA - ContinuedTHEORY OF OPERATION: INTRODUCTIONTHEORY OF OPERATION: INTRODUCTION - ContinuedTHEORY OF OPERATION: ENGINE AND FUELFigure 2. Piston, Rings, Connecting Rods.Figure 3. Camshaft.Vibration DamperFigure 4. Fuel System.Low Pressure Fuel SystemFigure 5. Low Fuel Pressure.Engine Electronic Control SystemFigure 6. Unit Injector Mechanism.Figure 7. Unit Injector.Figure 8. Pre-Injection.Figure 9. Injection.Figure 10. End of Injection.Figure 11. Fill.THEORY OF OPERATION: AIR INLET AND EXHAUSTAIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEMFigure 1. Air Inlet and Exhaust System.Figure 2. Turbocharger.Figure 3. Valve System Components.THEORY OF OPERATION: LUBRICATIONLUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 1. Lubrication System Schematic.Oil Flow Through Filter Housing to EngineFigure 2. Oil Flow through Filter Housing to Engine.LUBRICATION SYSTEM CONTINUEDTHEORY OF OPERATION: COOLINGCOOLING SYSTEMFigure 1. Cooling System Components and Flow SchematicFigure 2. Aftercooler Flow.Figure 1. Grounding Stud To Battery Ground.Engine Electrical SystemFigure 2. Alternator Components.Starting System ComponentsFigure 3. Starter Motor Components.Figure 4. Powertrain ECM Control System.Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC)Electronic Brake ControlFigure 5. Inputs to the Powertrain ECM.Figure 6. Ignition Switch.Switch (Parking Brake)Figure 7. Mechanical Parking Brake Switch Actuator.Push button Switch (Upshift)Figure 9. Autoshift/Auto Kickdown Switch.Autoshift SwitchFigure 10. Hydraulic Lockout Switch.Figure 11. Service Brake Pedal Switch.Figure 12. Speed Sensor Torque Converter Output.Figure 13. Speed Sensor Transmission Output 1 and 2.Figure 14. Position Sensor for the Brake Pedal.Figure 15. Position Sensor for the FNR Direction Handle.Figure 16. ECM Connectors and Contacts.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CONTINUEDFigure 17. Powertrain ECM Outputs.Figure 18. Electronic Brake Control.Figure 19. Proportional Brake Solenoid.Table 5. Machine Solenoids.Magnet (Blade Float)Engine Electronic Control System ComponentsELECTRICAL SYSTEM CONTINUEDTHEORY OF OPERATION: PRIMARY POWERTRAINPowertrain Hydraulic SystemFigure 2. Schematic for the Powertrain Hydraulic SystemFigure 3. Electronic Control System of the D7R Dozer PowertrainFigure 4. Location of Magnetic Screen.Figure 5. Powertrain Oil Cooler.Figure 6. Relief Valve (Main).Torque DividerFigure 8. Torque Divider.Figure 9. Torque Divider.Figure 10. Relief Valve (Torque Converter Inlet and Outlet).Figure 11. Clutch Operation (Typical Example).Table 1. Transmission Clutch Engagement.Figure 12. Section View of the Transmission.Transmission Hydraulic ControlFigure 13. Planetary Lubrication.Oil Filter (powertrain)Figure 15. Transfer and Bevel Gears.Figure 16. Brake Control Valve (Side View of Valve).Figure 17. Brake Control Valve.Steering Differential and BrakeService BrakesFigure 18. Steering Differential and Brake with Planetary Gears and Brake.THEORY OF OPERATION: FINAL DRIVE AND UNDERCARRIAGEUNDERCARRIAGE SYSTEMFigure 3. One Side of Pivot Shaft.Figure 4. Lubrication of Pivot Shaft.Figure 5. Equalizer Bar.Figure 6. Track Roller.Figure 7. Recoil Group.Figure 8. Track Assembly.Figure 9. Master Links and Master Shoe.Figure 11. Track Roller (Double Flange).THEORY OF OPERATION: IMPLEMENT AND STEERING HYDRAULICFigure 2. Components of the Hydraulic System.Figure 3. Steering Control Lever.Figure 5. Pilot Control Levers.Figure 6. Solenoid for the Shutoff Valve.Figure 7. Valve Stack for Machine without Ripper.Figure 8. Hydraulic Oil Tank.Figure 9. Oil FIlter (Case Drain).Figure 10. Oil Filter (Implement Return Oil).Figure 11. Oil Cooler and Bypass Valve.Figure 12. Pump and Compensator Operation (Engine Off).Figure 13. Pump and Compensator Operation (Upstroking).Figure 14. Pump and Compensator Operation (Destroking).Figure 15. Pump and Compensator Operation (Low Pressure Standby).Figure 16. Pump and Compensator Operation (High Pressure Stall).Figure 17. Pump and Compensator Operation (Constant Flow).Figure 18. Piston Motor (Steering) Location.IMPLEMENT AND STEERING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTINUEDFigure 19. Piston Motor (Steering).Figure 20. Counterbalance Valve (Steering) Location.Figure 21. Counterbalance Valve (Steering).Control Valve (Implement/Attachment)Figure 22. Implement Control Valves.Control Valve (Steering)Figure 23. Steering Control Valve (HOLD).Figure 24. Steering Control Valve (STEER LEFT).Figure 25. Steering Control Valve (STEER RIGHT).Bulldozer Lift Control ValveFigure 26. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve (General Information).Figure 27. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve (HOLD).Figure 28. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve (RAISE).Figure 29. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve (LOWER).Figure 30. Bulldozer Lift Control Valve (FLOAT).Control Valve (Bulldozer Tilt)Figure 31. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve (HOLD).Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve (Tilt Left)Figure 32. Bulldozer Tilt Control Valve (Tilt Left and Tilt Right).Control Valve (Ripper Lift)Figure 33. Ripper Lift Control Valve (HOLD).Figure 34. Ripper Lift Control Valve (RIPPER RAISE).Figure 35. Ripper Lift Control Valve (RIPPER LOWER).Control Valve (Ripper Tip)Figure 36. Ripper Tip Control Valve (HOLD).Figure 37. Ripper Tip Control Valve (RIPPER TIP IN).Figure 38. Ripper Tip Control Valve (RIPPER TIP OUT).Control Valve (Winch)Figure 39. Winch Control Valve (REEL IN).Figure 40. Winch Control Valve (REEL OUT).Figure 41. Main Relief Valve in Inlet Manifold.Figure 42. Main Relief Valve.Figure 43. Ripper Tilt Control Valve Activated.THEORY OF OPERATION: AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATINGRefrigerant Orifice Tube SystemFigure 1. Refrigerant System.Figure 2. Orifice Tube.Figure 4. Compressor.Figure 5. Condenser Coil.Figure 6. Evaporator Coil.Figure 7. Refrigerant Dryer.Figure 8. Heating System.Heater CoilCHAPTER 2. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INTRODUCTIONHOW TO USE ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICSMachine Monitoring SystemFigure 1. Instrument Cluster.Figure 2. Messenger Module.HOW TO USE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET)Figure 1. Electronic Technician (ET).Figure 2. Diagnostic Connector.Figure 3. Diagnostic Connector Cable.Figure 5. ECM Selection.Figure 6. Diagnostic Code Selection.Figure 7. Status Group and Parameter List.Figure 8. Close ET Program.Figure 9. Diagnostic Connector Cable.Figure 10. Diagnostic Connector.ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) PROGRAMMINGFigure 1. Active Code Menu.Figure 2. ECM Configuration Menu.Figure 3. ECM Select Window.Figure 4. ECM Configuration Save.ECM UNABLE TO COMMUNICATEFigure 5. Diagnostic Connector.Figure 7. Win Flash Quick Help Menu.Figure 8. Flash File Menu.Figure 9. Flash File Programming.Figure 10. Configuration Menu.Figure 11. Configuration File.FUEL INJECTOR TRIM FILECONNECTOR END VIEWSCONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedCONNECTOR END VIEWS - ContinuedFigure 1. V-C4 Engine ECM Connector.Figure 2. N-C1 Engine ECM Connector.Figure 3. X-C3 Powertrain ECM Connector.Figure 4. X-C2 Powertrain ECM Connector.Figure 5. E-C7 Dash Monitor Connector.Figure 7. N-C2 Engine Harness Side ConnectorFigure 8. NN-C1 Valve Cover Side Connector.Figure 9. E-C28 Deceleration Position Sensor Connector - Dash Harness Side.Figure 11. MA-C22 Platform Harness (Platform to Engine) Connector.Figure 12. V-C1 Engine Harness (Engine to Platform) Connector.Figure 13. R-C4 Throttle Switch Connector.Figure 14. RW-C1 RH Console Harness Connector (Black).Figure 15. MA-C1 RH Platform Harness Connector (Black).Figure 16. Throttle Switch.Figure 18. B2 Connector Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 19. N-C3 ECM Harness Connector at Oil Pressure Sensor.Figure 21. MA-C3 Platform Harness Connector.Figure 22. A-C1 Fuse Panel Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 24. N-C9 Fuel Temperature Connector.Figure 26. NC-C1 Intake Manifold Jumper to N-C10 Connector.Figure 27. N-C13 Crankshaft Position Connector.Figure 28. Crankshaft Position Sensor (with Pigtail).Figure 29. V-C12 Engine ECM Resistor - Can/Data Link.Figure 30. Resistor Can/Data Link.Figure 31. X-C10 Powertrain ECM Resistor - Can/Data Link.Figure 32. Resistor Can/Data Link.Figure 33. MA-C14 Platform Harness Connector.Figure 34. X-C1 Steering Control Harness.Figure 35. N-C4 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Connector.Figure 38. CV-C1 Crank Normal Mode Connector.Figure 41. N-C14 Camshaft Position Connector.Figure 42. Camshaft Position Sensor.Figure 44. X-C6 Parking Brake Switch Connector.Figure 46. V-C8 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor Connector.Figure 47. E-C23 Instrument Panel Harness Brake Switch Connector.Figure 49. X-C8 FORWARD/NEUTRAL/REVERSE (FNR) Sensor Connector.Figure 50. E-C11 Bi-directional Mode Switch Connector.Figure 52. E-C27 Dash Harness Brake Position SensorFigure 53. MA-C7 Platform Harness Connector to Transmission Jumper HarnessFigure 54. MP-C2 Transmission Jumper Harness Connector to Platform Harness ConnectorFigure 55. MP-C1 Transmission Jumper Harness Connector to P-C1 Transmission HarnessFigure 57. P-C2 Transmission Harness Speed Sensor #1 Connector.Figure 59. Downshift/Upshift Switch Connector.Figure 60. X-C9 Harness Code Plug Connector to Steering HarnessFigure 62. V-C10 Engine Harness Torque Converter Output Speed Sensor ConnectorFigure 63. Torque Converter Output Speed Sensor.Figure 65. MA-C4 Platform Harness Parking Brake Dump Solenoid ConnectorFigure 66. Parking Brake Dump Solenoid.Figure 67. MA-C12 Platform Harness Left Brake Solenoid Connector.Figure 68. Left Brake Solenoid.Figure 69. MA-C6 Secondary Brake Dump Solenoid ConnectorFigure 70. Secondary Brake Dump Solenoid.Figure 71. P-C4 Transmission Solenoid Valve #1 ConnectorFigure 72. P-C3 Transmission Solenoid Valve #2 ConnectorFigure 73. P-C7 Transmission Solenoid Valve #3 ConnectorFigure 74. P-C6 Transmission Solenoid Valve #4 ConnectorFigure 75. P-C5 Transmission Solenoid Valve #5 Connector.Figure 77. RT-C1 Reverse Switch Connector (Pigtail).Figure 80. TW-C7 Fuel Tank Harness to Platform Harness Connector.Figure 82. E-C25 Instrument Panel Harness Action Lamp Connector.Figure 83. L-C2 Chassis Harness Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Connection.Figure 84. L-C1 Chassis Harness to Platform Harness Connector.Figure 85. MA-C17 Platform Harness to Chassis Harness Connector.Figure 87. E-C10 Instrument Panel Harness Lamp Gear Module Connector.Figure 89. RW-C7 RH Console Harness Hydraulic Lockout Switch Connector.Figure 90. L-C4 Chassis Harness Implement Lockout Solenoid Connector.Figure 91. Hydraulic Lockout Switch.Figure 95. G-C2 Front Lighting Harness to Left Front Flood Lamp Harness Connector.Figure 96. GC-C1 Right Front Flood Lamp Harness to Radiator Guard Harness Connector.Figure 98. G-C1 Front Lighting Harness to Engine Harness Connector.Figure 103. TK-C3 Left Rear Flood Lamp Harness Connector to Fuel Tank Harness Connector.Figure 104. TJ-C3 Right Rear Flood Lamp Harness to Fuel Tank Harness Connector.Figure 106. TW-C5 Fuel Tank Harness to Right ROPS Flood Lamp Harness Connector.Figure 109. E-C22 Instrument Panel Harness Connector to Rearward Facing Flood Lamp Switch.Figure 112. E-C16 Instrument Panel Harness Connector to Cab Harness ConnectorFigure 113. H-C2 Cab Harness to Instrument Panel Harness Connector.Figure 114. H-C6 Cab Harness to Headliner Harness Connector.Figure 115. HA-C2 Cab Harness to Headliner Harness ConnectorFigure 118. YY-C2 Arctic Kit Heater Diagnostic Connector.Figure 119. Arctic Kit Heater Switch.Figure 121. 108 Blue Rear Wiper Power Supply Connector to Rear Wiper Motor Switch.Figure 123. H-C1 Cab Harness Front Wiper Motor Connector.Figure 124. H-C5 Cab Harness Left Door Wiper Motor ConnectorFigure 126. HA-C4 Headliner Harness to Rear Wiper Motor ConnectorFigure 129. XX-C1 Arctic Kit Heater Switch Harness to Arctic Kit Heater Main Harness Connector.Figure 130. XY-C3 Arctic Kit Heater Main Harness to Arctic Kit Heater Switch Harness ConnectorFigure 132. MA-C21 Platform Harness to Arctic Kit Heater Main Harness ConnectorFigure 133. H-C7 Cab Harness to Headliner Harness ConnectorFigure 134. HA-C1 Headliner Harness to Cab Harness ConnectorFigure 136. 501 Green Front Wiper Low Supply Connector to Front Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 138. 523 Brown Left Door Wiper Park Supply Connector to Left Door Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 140. 525 Gray Left Door Wiper High Supply Connector to Left DoorWiper Motor SwitchFigure 142. 527 Green Right Door Wiper Low Supply Connector to Right Door Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 144. 503 Brown Rear Wiper Park Supply Connector to Rear Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 146. 505 Blue Rear Wiper High Supply Connector to Rear Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 148. 108 Blue Left Wiper Power Supply Connector to Left Door Wiper Motor SwitchFigure 150. 506 Purple Front Washer Supply Connector to Front Washer SwitchFigure 152. 503 Orange Right Washer Supply Connector to Right Washer SwitchFigure 155. HH-C1 Washer Bottle to Cab Harness ConnectorFigure 156. G-C4 Front Lighting Harness Top Horn ConnectorFigure 158. MA-C13 Platform Harness to RH Console Harness Connector (Green)Figure 159. RW-C3 RH Console Harness to Platform Harness Connector (Green)Figure 160. R-C5 RH Console Harness Connector to Horn SwitchFigure 162. CH-C2 A/C Compressor Harness Connector to Compressor Pressure SwitchFigure 164. CH-C1 A/C Compressor Harness Connector to Engine Harness ConnectorFigure 166. E-C14 Instrument Panel Harness Connector to Blower Motor Harness ConnectorFigure 167. EE-C8 Blower Motor Harness Connector to Instrument Panel Harness ConnectorFigure 168. 522 White Thermostat Switch Connector.Figure 169. 200 Black Thermostat Switch Connector.Figure 172. 124 Green Fuse Panel Wiring Harness Blower Motor Circuit Breaker ConnectorFigure 173. 112 Purple Blower Motor Circuit Breaker Supply Power Wire Point AE1.Figure 175. EE-C4 Blower Motor Harness to Blower Motor ConnectorFigure 176. Blower Motor Resistor.Figure 178. Main Power Relay.Figure 180. Flood Lamp Wiring.Figure 181. Engine Flood Lamp Wiring.Figure 184. Right Wiper Switch Terminal B.Figure 186. Front Wiper Motor Pigtail Connector.Figure 188. Right Wiper Motor Pigtail Connector.Figure 190. HH-C2 Front Washer Pump Connector.Figure 191. HH-C3 Left Washer Pump Connector.Figure 193. HH-C5 Rear Washer Pump Connector.CONNECTOR END INDEXCONNECTOR END INDEX - ContinuedCONNECTOR END INDEX - ContinuedCONNECTOR END INDEX - ContinuedCONNECTOR END INDEX - ContinuedENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTable 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 4. Cylinder #3 Injector Fault Code.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 5. Cylinder #4 Injector Fault Code.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 6. Cylinder #5 Injector Fault Code.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 7. Cylinder # 6 Injector Fault Code.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 8. Throttle Switch.Figure 9. Throttle Switch Connector.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 10. Fuse Panel Door.Figure 11. Fuse #21.Table 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. 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Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 14. Ether Override Parameters.Figure 16. Selection Box and Yes Box.Figure 17. Override in Progress and Active Code BoxTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedPOWERTRAIN TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuse Panel Door.Figure 2. ECM Fuse #19.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures. - ContinuedTable 1. 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Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 12. Calibration Setup.Figure 13. Calibrating Forward Position.Figure 14. Calibrating Neutral Position.Figure 15. Calibrating Reverse Position.Figure 16. Calibrating Neutral Position.Figure 17. Calibration Finish.Figure 18. Diagnostic Codes.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 19. Fuse Panel Door.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 20. Fuse Panel Door.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 21. Fuse Panel Door.Table 1. 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Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 32. Calibration Selection.Figure 33. Test Startup.Figure 34. Calibration Setup.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 35. Calibration Controls.Figure 36. Calibration Finish.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 37. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 38. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 39. Guard and Retaining HardwareFigure 40. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 42. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 43. ECM Selection.Figure 44. Select Calibration.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 46. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 47. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 48. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 49. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 51. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 52. ECM Selection.Figure 53. Select Calibration.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 57. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 58. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 59. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 60. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 61. ECM Selection.Figure 62. Select Calibration.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 64. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 65. Guard, Plate, and Retaining HardwareFigure 66. Guard and Retaining Hardware.Figure 67. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Figure 69. Guard, Plate, and Retaining Hardware.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Powertrain Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. 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Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.ENGINE MECHANICAL TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Engine Turning Tool.Figure 2. Timing Pin Plug.Figure 3. Timing Top Center Position.Figure 4. Vibration Damper.TESTING AND INSPECTING DRIVE BELTS AND PULLEYFigure 5. Drive Belt Inspection.Figure 6. Cylinder Head Flatness Test.ENGINE LUBRICATION TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSENGINE OIL PRESSURE TESTLow Oil PressureEXCESSIVE ENGINE OIL CONSUMPTION INSPECTIONFigure 3. Left Side Engine Oil Leaks.Figure 4. Bottom Engine Oil Leaks.FUEL SYSTEM TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Fuel Cap.Figure 2. Fuel Supply Line.Figure 4. Fuel Manifold.Figure 6. Fuel Tank Drain Hose.Figure 7. Fuel Prime Pump.Figure 8. ECM Selection 3176C.Figure 10. Cylinder Cutout Test Start.Figure 12. Cylinder Cutout Complete.Figure 13. ECM Selection 3176C.Figure 14. Injector Solenoid Test Selection.Figure 15. Injector Solenoid Test Starting.Figure 16. Injector Solenoid Testing.Figure 17. Injector Solenoid Test Complete.FUEL PRESSURE TESTFUEL PRESSURE TEST CONTINUEDFigure 18. Fuel Pressure Test.TIMING SENSOR CALIBRATIONFigure 20. Plug.Figure 21. Transducer.Figure 22. Transducer Cable.Figure 23. Transducer Cable to Engine Harness.Figure 24. ECM Selection 3176C.Figure 25. Timing Sensor Calibration Select.Figure 27. Timing Sensor Calibration in Process.Figure 28. Timing Sensor Calibration Complete.Figure 29. Transducer Cable to Engine Harness.Figure 30. Transducer Cable.Figure 31. Transducer.Figure 32. Plug.COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTIONSFigure 1. Coolant Tank and Hoses.Figure 2. Coolant Tank and Hoses.Figure 3. Radiator.Figure 4. Lower Radiator Hoses.Figure 5. Lower Radiator Hoses.Figure 6. Right Side Hoses.COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTION CONTINUEDFigure 7. Right Side Hoses.COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTION CONTINUEDFigure 8. Left Side Hoses.Figure 9. Heater Control Valve.Figure 10. Coolant Tank and Hoses.Figure 11. Aftercooler Water Pump Inspection.Figure 12. Water Pump Vent Hole.Figure 13. Coolant Tank and Hoses.OIL IN COOLANT INSPECTIONAIR INLET AND EXHAUST TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSAIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPECTIONFigure 1. Air Hoses and Charge Air Cooler.Figure 2. Air Cleaner Housing.Figure 3. Air Cleaner Housing.AIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPECTION TURBOCHARGER INSPECTIONSCompressor and Compressor Housing InspectionFigure 5. Turbocharger Compressor.TURBOCHARGER INSPECTIONS CONTINUEDTurbocharger Oil Supply and Oil Drain LinesALTERNATOR AND CHARGING SYSTEM TESTSFigure 1. Ammeter.Figure 2. Ammeter Connection.Figure 3. Alternator.BATTERY CABLES AND ALTERNATOR CABLES TESTSBATTERY CABLES AND ALTERNATOR CABLES TESTS - ContinuedFigure 1. Positive and Negative Battery Voltage TestFigure 2. Starter Ground Strap.Figure 3. Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 4. Engine Ground Cable.Figure 6. Negative Contact of NATO Slave Receptacle.Figure 7. Arctic Kit Negative Battery Cable.Figure 8. Positive and Negative Battery Voltage Test.Figure 10. Left Side Positive Battery Cable JunctionFigure 11. Positive Contact of NATO Slave ReceptacleFigure 12. Breaker Panel Positive Junction PointFigure 13. Alternator Positive Cable.Figure 14. Arctic Kit Positive Battery Cable.Figure 15. Arctic Kit Battery Cable Junction Block.BATTERY TESTS AND BATTERY CHARGINGSTARTING SYSTEM TESTSFigure 1. Battery Test Points.STARTING SYSTEM TESTS Figure 2. Starter Cable.Figure 3. Measuring Voltage at Starter.Figure 4. Harness Connector VC-19 and MA-C8.Figure 5. Harness Connector A-C1 and MA-C3.Figure 6. Harness Connector A-C1 and Starter RelayIMPLEMENT CYLINDER TESTSFigure 1. Test Equipment.Figure 2. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 3. Front Lift Cylinder.Figure 4. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 5. Front Lift Cylinder.Figure 6. Test Equipment.Figure 7. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 8. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 9. Test Equipment.Figure 10. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 11. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 12. Test Equipment.Figure 13. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 14. Test Equipment Installation.BLADE LIFT CYLINDER CYCLE TESTRIPPER TILT CYLINDER CYCLE TESTFigure 15. Blade Lift Cylinder Drift Test.Figure 16. Blade Tilt Cylinder Drift Test.Figure 17. Ripper Lift Cylinder Drift Test.Figure 18. Ripper Tilt Cylinder Drift Test.IMPLEMENT PUMP DISCHARGE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Test Equipment.Figure 2. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 3. Pressure Gauge.Figure 4. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 5. Flow Compensator Adjustment.Figure 6. Differential Pressure Gauge.Figure 7. Pressure Gauge.Figure 8. Pressure Compensator Adjustment.Figure 9. Pressure Cutoff.PILOT PRESSURE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSPILOT PRESSURE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Test Equipment Installation.0035STEERING HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Test Equipment.Figure 2. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 3. Pressure Gauge.Figure 4. Test Equipment Installation.Figure 5. Flow Compensator Adjustment.Figure 6. Differential Pressure Gauge.High Pressure Cutoff TestFigure 7. Pressure Gauge.Figure 8. Pressure Compensator Adjustment.Figure 9. Pressure Gauge.High Pressure Cutoff Test A/C AND HEATING TESTS, INSPECTIONS, AND ADJUSTMENTSA/C PERFORMANCE: TESTTable 1. Pressure Range Table.SERVICE BRAKE PEDAL LIMIT SWITCH TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 2. Select Status Tool.Figure 4. Service Brake Pedal Released.Figure 6. Adjustment.CHAPTER 3. PMCS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF TABLE ENTRIES GENERAL PMCS PROCEDURESGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES CONTINUED0039PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 2. Equalizer Bar Oil Levels.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 3. Final Drive Oil Level.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 4. Drive Belts.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 5. Engine Crankcase Breather.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 6. Recoil Spring Oil Level.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 7. Torque Converter Screen.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 8. Transmission Magnetic Screen.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedFigure 9. Final Drive Oil Change.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - ContinuedTable 2. D7R Dozer with Ripper and D7R Dozer with Winch PMCS Mandatory Replacement Parts ListCHAPTER 4. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSERVICE UPON RECEIPTSERVICING INSTRUCTIONSHYDRAULIC OIL COOLER CORE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cooler.Figure 2. O-rings.Figure 3. Cooler.TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER CORE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hose and Lines.Figure 2. Bracket.Figure 3. Transmission Oil Cooler Core.Figure 4. Bracket.Figure 5. Hose and Lines.TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER CORE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedUPPER COOLANT TANK REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Radiator Guard Doors.Figure 3. Radiator Core Hoses.Figure 4. Radiator Core Lower Mount.Figure 5. Upper Coolant Tank.Figure 6. Sight Gauge.Figure 7. Fittings.Figure 8. Baffles.Figure 9. Fittings.Figure 11. Upper Coolant Tank.Figure 12. Radiator Core Lower Mount.Figure 13. Radiator Core Hoses.Figure 15. Upper Cover.A/C CONDENSER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Lower A/C Line.Figure 2. Right Side Mount.Figure 3. Upper A/C Line Clamp.Figure 5. Left Side Mount.Figure 6. Left Side Mount.Figure 7. Cooler Angle Bracket.Figure 9. Upper A/C Line.Figure 10. Lower A/C Line.MUFFLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Tailpipe.Figure 3. A/C Compressor Clutch Wiring Harness.Figure 4. Muffler.Figure 5. Muffler Bracket.Figure 6. Muffler Bracket.Figure 7. Muffler.Figure 8. A/C Compressor Clutch Wire.Figure 9. Tailpipe.MUFFLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedENGINE MOUNTS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Engine Mount Inspection.Figure 3. Engine Mount.ENGINE SUPPORT REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Engine Support to Frame.Figure 3. Engine Support to Engine.Figure 4. Engine Support Inspection.Figure 5. Engine Support to Engine.Figure 6. Engine Support to Frame.Figure 7. Brackets and Hose.TRUNNION ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Trunnion Inspection.TRUNNION ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWATER LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Mounting Plate.Figure 3. Cooling Pipe Mount.Figure 4. Lower Cooling Pipe.Figure 5. Upper Cooling Pipe.Figure 6. Upper Cooling Pipe.Figure 7. Lower Cooling Pipe.Figure 9. Mounting Plate.Figure 10. Receiver/Dryer.COOLING FAN REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Lower Brackets.Figure 2. Top of Fan Guard.Figure 3. Upper Left Bracket.Figure 5. Upper Right Bracket.Figure 6. Fan Guard.Figure 7. Fan Spider.Figure 8. Fan Spider Adapter.Figure 9. Fan Spider Inspection.Figure 11. Fan Spider Adapter.Figure 12. Fan Spider.Figure 13. Fan Guard.Figure 14. Upper Right Bracket.Figure 15. Hose Clamp.Figure 17. Top of Fan Guard.Figure 18. Lower Brackets.RADIATOR COOLING LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Aftercooler Pump Hose.Figure 2. Hose at Radiator.Figure 3. Water Temperature Regulator Hose at RadiatorFigure 4. Water Temperature Regulator Pipe.Figure 5. Hose to Water Temperature RegulatorFigure 6. Adjuster.Figure 7. Water Pump Inlet Hose.Figure 8. Water Pump Inlet Hose at Radiator.\Figure 9. Water Pump Inlet Line.Figure 10. Vent Lines.Figure 11. Vent Lines.Figure 12. Water Pump Input Line.Figure 13. Water Pump Inlet Hose at Radiator.Figure 14. Water Pump Inlet Hose.Figure 15. Adjuster.Figure 16. Hose to Water Temperature Regulator.Figure 17. Water Temperature Regulator Pipe.Figure 18. Water Temperature Regulator Hose at RadiatorFigure 19. Hose at Radiator.Figure 20. Aftercooler Pump Hose.RADIATOR DRAIN LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Transmission Cooler Drain Hose and FittingFigure 3. Drain Hoses.Figure 4. Drain Line Valves.Figure 5. Drain Hoses.Figure 6. Transmission Cooler Drain Hose and FittingRADIATOR DRAIN LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedNATO SLAVE AND CABLES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. NATO Slave Cap.Figure 2. NATO Slave Cables.Figure 3. NATO Slave and Bracket.Figure 4. NATO Slave Cables and Clamp.Figure 5. Starter Cable Connections.Figure 6. NATO Slave Cables and Clamp.Figure 7. NATO Slave and Bracket.Figure 8. NATO Slave Cables.Figure 9. NATO Slave Cap.INLET TEMPERATURE SENSOR HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fuel Temperature Sensor Harness.ENGINE MAIN WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Radiator Harness Connector.Figure 3. Starter Solenoid Connection.Figure 4. ECM Connections.Figure 5. Underhood Work Light Connection.Figure 6. Platform Harness Connections.Figure 7. Ether Aid Solenoid Connection.Figure 8. A/C Compressor Connection.Figure 9. Alternator Connection.Figure 10. Transmission Temperature ConnectionsFigure 11. Torque Converter Connections.Figure 12. Torque Converter Connections.Figure 13. Transmission Temperature Connections.Figure 14. Alternator Connection.Figure 15. A/C Compressor Connection.Figure 16. Ether Aid Solenoid Connection.Figure 17. Platform Harness Connections.Figure 18. Underhood Work Light Connection.Figure 19. ECM Connections.Figure 20. Starter Solenoid Connection.Figure 22. Radiator Harness Connector.ENGINE MAIN WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCRANK WITHOUT INJECTION WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fuel Temperature Sensor Harness.