TM 5-2410-241-23-1
Table 1. Cab Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
Front Cylinder Mounted
Flood Lamp(s) Do Not
0296), test for continuity between
front flood lamp harness (WP
Work - Continued
pin 1 and pin 2 on right front flood
0154). Replace Fuse #8 (TM 5-
lamp harness connector GC-C1
2410-241-10). Ensure all harness
connectors are reconnected. Ver-
ify correct operation of machine
(TM 5-2410-241-10).
front lighting harness (WP 0167).
Replace Fuse #8 (TM 5-2410-
241-10). Ensure all harness con-
nectors are reconnected. Verify
correct operation of machine (TM
ROPS Mounted Forward
1. Inspect operation of ROPS-
1. If left lamp does NOT work, pro-
Facing Flood Lamp(s)
mounted forward facing flood
ceed to step 2.
Do Not Work
lamps (TM 5-2410-241-10).
2. If right lamp does NOT work, pro-
ceed to step 18.
3. If both lamps do NOT work, pro-
ceed to step 34.
2. Turn ignition switch and battery
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-2410-241-10).
3. Disconnect left rear flood lamp
harness connector TK-C2 (WP
0018, Figure 101) from left side
ROPS mounted forward facing
flood lamp.
4. Turn battery disconnect switch
and ignition switch to ON position
(TM 5-2410-241-10).
5. Turn main light switch to Flood-
light position (TM 5-2410-241-10).
If 24 Volts is found, proceed to
0296), measure for voltage
step 7.
between pin 1 and 2 on left rear
If 24 Volts is NOT found. Proceed
flood lamp harness connector TK-
to step 13.
7. Turn main light switch to OFF
position (TM 5-2410-241-10).
8. Turn ignition switch and battery
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-2410-241-10).
9. Remove and disassemble left
ROPS-mounted forward facing
flood lamp (WP 0252).