TM 5-2410-240-23-1
Status groups are lists of the machine's parameters that are monitored by each ECM, and are shown in real time.
To view machine parameters, select the status icon (Figure 9, Item 1), and select a status group (Figure 9, Item 12)
for an ECM (Figure 9, Item 11) in the left window of the screen (Figure 9, Item 2). A list of parameters (Figure 9,
Item 3) for the selected status group (Figure 9, Item 12) is displayed on the right window of screen (Figure 9,
Item 10). A description of the parameter is displayed in the Description column (Figure 9, Item 4). The Value
column (Figure 9, Item 5) indicates the current real time value of component or system. A Unit column (Figure 9,
Item 6) identifies the type of measurement associated with parameter. The Min column (Figure 9, Item 7) and the
Max column (Figure 9, Item 8) display the minimum and maximum values observed during the current session.
The ECM column (Figure 9, Item 9) identifies the ECM monitoring and reporting parameter.
Figure 9. Status Group and Parameter List.