CHAPTER 3. PMCS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURESGENERAL LUBRICATION PROCEDURESGENERAL LUBRICATION PROCEDURES CONTINUEDPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS).Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 1. Final Drive.Figure 2. Pivot Shaft Oil Level Check.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Figure 3. Winch Assembly.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) - Continued.Table 2. D6K with Ripper and D6K with Winch PMCS Mandatory Replacement Parts List.CHAPTER 4. FIELD MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSERVICE UPON RECEIPTSERVICING INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 5. FIELD MAINTENANCECOOLING MODULE SERVICEFigure 1. Oil Cooler Hoses and Line.Figure 2. Hose at Bottom of Aftercooler Core.Figure 3. Arctic Kit Heater Radiator Hose and Tee Fitting.Figure 4. Hoses and Drain Valve at Bottom of Radiator Core.Figure 5. Hydraulic Hoses, Junction Block, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Lifting Device on Cooling Module.Figure 8. Chassis Harness Connector on Hood Support.Figure 9. Upper Radiator Grill, Cooling Module, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 10. Core Assembly and Cooling Module.Figure 11. Drain Valve.COOLING MODULE SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 12. Core Assembly.COOLING MODULE SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 13. Core Assembly.Figure 14. Drain Valve.Figure 15. Core Assembly and Cooling Module.Figure 16. Installing Cooling Module.Figure 17. Upper Radiator Grill, Cooling Module, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 18. Cooling Module, Guide Stud, and Bottom Mounting Bolts.Figure 20. Chassis Harness Connector on Hood Support.Figure 21. Hydraulic Hoses, Junction Block, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 22. Hoses and Drain Valve at Bottom of Radiator Core.Figure 23. Arctic Kit Heater Radiator Hose and Tee Fitting.Figure 24. Hose at Bottom of Aftercooler Core.COOLING MODULE SERVICE - ContinuedWATER HOSES AND TUBE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cooling System Hose Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Cooling System Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Air Inlet Elbow and Hose.Figure 4. Tube, Hoses, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Tube, Hoses, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Air Inlet Elbow and Hose.Figure 7. Cooling System Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 8. Cooling System Hose Retaining Hardware.WATER HOSES AND TUBE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR INLET, EXHAUST HOSES, AND CHECK VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Air Inlet Hose.Figure 2. Lower Exhaust Hoses.Figure 3. Upper Exhaust Hose.Figure 4. Check Valve.Figure 5. Check Valve.Figure 6. Upper Exhaust Hose.Figure 7. Lower Exhaust Hoses.Figure 8. Air Inlet Hose.COOLANT TANK REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Left Front Access Panel.Figure 3. Coolant Tank Hoses.Figure 4. Coolant Tank and Mounting Hardware.Figure 5. Coolant Tank Hoses.Figure 6. Left Front Access Door.ENGINE COOLANT SERVICEFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Plate.Figure 3. Coolant Drain Valve.Figure 4. Flushing.Figure 6. Coolant Tank.Figure 7. Cover.FAN SUPPORT, SPIDER, AND GEAR MOTOR SERVICEFigure 1. Radiator Grill.Figure 2. Gear Motor, Hoses, O-rings, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Hose Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Shroud Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Guide Studs.Figure 6. Fan Support, Guard, and Gear Motor.Figure 7. Guide Studs and Fan Guard.Figure 8. Spider, Guard, Hub, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 9. Gear Motor and Fan Support.Figure 10. Spider, Guard, Hub, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 11. Guide Studs and Fan Guard.Figure 12. Fan Support, Guard, Spider, and Gear Motor.Figure 13. Guide Studs.Figure 14. Guard Retaining Hardware.Figure 15. Hose Retaining Hardware.Figure 16. Gear Motor, Hoses, O-rings, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 17. Radiator Grill.Figure 18. Upper Radiator Grill.Figure 20. Upper Radiator Grill.MUFFLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Muffler Removal.Figure 3. Right Door.ENGINE WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine ECM.Figure 2. Engine Speed Sensor and Engine Harness Retainers Above Engine ECM.Figure 3. Starter.Figure 4. Engine Harness Retainers at Left Side of Engine.Figure 5. Left Side of Engine Hoses and Cables.Figure 6. Cooler Line Support Bracket.Figure 8. Fuel Pump Connector.Figure 9. Rear Engine Harness Clips.Figure 10. Engine Harness Retainers Behind Right Rear of Engine.Figure 12. Engine Harness Retainers and A/C System Connectors on Right Side of Engine.Figure 13. Side Engine Bracket.Figure 15. Engine Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 17. Engine Harness Connector Behind Right Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 19. Engine Harness.Figure 20. Engine Harness and Platform Harness.Figure 21. Lower Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 22. Pump Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 23. Pump Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 24. Pump Harness Retainers at Right Side of Pump Support.Figure 25. Pump Harness Retainer at Left Rear of Pump Support.Figure 26. Pump Harness at Powertrain Return Manifold.Figure 27. Engine Harness Retainer at Left Rear of Pump Support.Figure 28. Pump Harness Retainers at Right Side of Pump Support.Figure 29. Engine Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 30. Pump Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 31. Lower Harness at Right Side Hydrostatic Pump.Figure 32. Engine Harness and Platform Harness.Figure 33. Engine Harness at Fan Control Manifold.Figure 34. Engine Harness Retainer at Front Left Side of Engine.Figure 35. Engine Harness Connector Behind Right Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 37. Engine Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 38. Alternator Wiring.Figure 39. Side Engine Bracket.Figure 40. Engine Harness Retainers and A/C System Connectors on Right Side of Engine.Figure 41. Engine Harness Retainers Above Right Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 42. Engine Harness Retainers Behind Right Rear of Engine.Figure 44. Fuel Pump.Figure 45. Ground Cables.Figure 47. Left Side of Engine Hoses and Cables.Figure 48. Engine Harness Retainers at Left Side of Engine.Figure 49. Starter.Figure 50. Engine Speed Sensor and Engine Harness Retainers Above Engine ECM.Figure 51. Engine ECM.NATO SLAVE AND CABLES REPLACEMENTFigure 2. NATO Slave and Bracket.Figure 3. Starter Cable Connections.Figure 5. NATO Slave Cables and Brackets.Figure 6. Starter Cable Connections.NATO SLAVE AND CABLES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. NATO Slave and Bracket.ETHER VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ether Bottle.Figure 2. Ether Line.Figure 3. Ether Bracket.Figure 4. Ether Bracket Rear Harness.Figure 5. Ether Valve.Figure 6. Ether Bracket Rear Harness.Figure 7. Ether Bracket.Figure 8. Ether Line.Figure 9. Ether Bottle.ENGINE ECM AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTENGINE CONTROL MODULE REMOVALFigure 1. ECM and Harness.Figure 2. ECM Mounting Bracket Top Bolts.Figure 3. ECM Mounting Bracket.Figure 4. ECM.Figure 5. ECM Mounting Bracket.Figure 6. Fuel Rail Bracket.Figure 7. ECM and Harness.ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Front Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Right Front Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Rear Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Mount, Sleeve, and Support.Figure 5. Rear Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Right Front Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Left Front Engine Mount and Retaining Hardware.ENGINE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Pump and Bracket.Figure 2. Engine Mount.Figure 3. Engine Bolts.Figure 4. Flywheel Pump Coupling.Figure 5. Engine Bolts.Figure 6. Engine Mount.ENGINE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Control Wiring Harness and Retaining Hardware.ENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Engine Control Wiring Harness and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Bracket and Retaining Hardware on Engine Oil Cooler Housing.Figure 5. Bracket and Retaining Hardware on Engine ECM.ENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. Engine Control Wiring Harness and Retaining Hardware.ENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 8. Engine Control Wiring Harness and Retaining Hardware.ENGINE CONTROL WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedOIL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Oil Pressure Sensor.OIL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR INTAKE TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Access Door.Figure 3. Air Intake Temperature Sensor.Figure 4. Air Intake Temperature Sensor.Figure 5. Harness Bracket.AIR INTAKE TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR (BOOST) PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Air Pressure Sensor.AIR (BOOST) PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCOOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Coolant Temperature Sensor.COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedENGINE SPEED (CRANK POSITION) SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Engine Speed Sensor.ENGINE SPEED (FLYWHEEL POSITION) SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Engine Speed Sensor.FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Pressure Sensor.FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedPRIMARY FUEL INJECTION TUBE REPLACEMENTCYLINDER FUEL INJECTION TUBE REMOVALFigure 1. Cylinder Fuel Injector Tube.Figure 2. Hose.Figure 3. Position Harness.FUEL INJECTION PUMP TUBE REMOVAL CONTINUEDFigure 4. Primary Fuel Injector Tube.Figure 5. Oil Tube.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFUEL INJECTION PUMP TUBE INSTALLATIONFigure 6. Primary Fuel Injector Tube.Figure 7. Position Harness.Figure 8. Hose.Figure 9. Cylinder Fuel Injector Tube.PRIMARY FUEL INJECTION TUBE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSECONDARY FUEL INJECTION TUBE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Third Fuel Filter to Fuel Injection Pump Tube.Figure 2. Injector Pump to Cylinder Head Tube.Figure 4. Clamp and Bracket.Figure 5. Secondary Fuel Filter to Fuel Injection Pump Hose.Figure 6. Secondary Fuel Filter to Third Fuel Filter Hose.Figure 7. Tube Assembly.Figure 8. Tube Assembly.Figure 9. Secondary Fuel Filter to Third Fuel Filter Hose.Figure 10. Secondary Fuel Filter to Fuel Injector Pump Hose.Figure 11. Clamp and Bracket.Figure 13. Fuel Injector Pump to Cylinder Head Tube.Figure 14. Third Fuel Filter to Fuel Injector Pump Tube.FUEL RAIL REPLACEMENTFUEL RAIL REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Rail Replacement.FUEL RAIL REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSECONDARY FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Panel.Figure 2. Filter.Figure 3. Panel.SECONDARY FUEL FILTER BASE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Bypass Switch Connector on Secondary Fuel Filter Base.Figure 2. Hose and Bracket.Figure 3. Secondary Fuel Filter Base and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Fuel Filter Base.Figure 5. Secondary Fuel Filter Base and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Bypass Switch Connector on Secondary Fuel Filter Base.SECONDARY FUEL FILTER BYPASS SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Secondary Fuel Filter Base.Figure 2. Secondary Fuel Filter Bypass Switch.SECONDARY FUEL FILTER BYPASS SWITCH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTHIRD FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door and Panel.Figure 2. Fuel Filter.THIRD FUEL FILTER BASE REPLACEMENTTHIRD FUEL FILTER BASE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Filter Base.Figure 2. Base Bracket.Figure 3. Filter Base.THIRD FUEL FILTER BASE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFUEL PRIME PUMP AND BASE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Top of Fuel Prime Pump and Base Assembly.Figure 2. Bracket.Figure 4. Fuel Prime Pump and Base Assembly.Figure 6. Elbow and Shutoff Valve Assembly.Figure 7. Elbow and Shutoff Valve Assembly.Figure 8. Primary Fuel Filter Base Assembly.Figure 10. Arctic Heater Fitting.Figure 12. Top of Fuel Prime Pump and Base Assembly.PRIME PUMP HOSE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Front Access Door and Fuel Shutoff Valve.Figure 2. Prime Pump Hose.PRIME PUMP HOSE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Prime Pump Fuel Switch and Fuel System Hardware.Figure 4. Prime Pump Fuel Switch and Fuel System Hardware.Figure 5. Prime Pump Hose.Figure 6. Left Front Access Door and Fuel Shutoff Valve.PRIME PUMP TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.Figure 2. Prime Pump Temperature Sensor and Harness.Figure 3. Adapter.Figure 4. Prime Pump Temperature Sensor and Harness.Figure 5. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.PRIME PUMP TOGGLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Prime Pump Toggle Switch Assembly.Figure 3. Left Engine Door.PRIME PUMP LEVEL SENSOR AND PROBE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.Figure 2. Prime Pump Level Sensor Probe.Figure 3. Prime Pump Level Sensor.Figure 4. Prime Pump Level Sensor Probe.Figure 5. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.PRIME PUMP FUEL TOGGLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Front Access Door and Fuel Shutoff Valve.Figure 2. Prime Pump Fuel Switch Assembly.Figure 4. Prime Pump Fuel Switch and O-ring.Figure 6. Left Front Access Door and Fuel Shutoff Valve.PRIMARY FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.Figure 2. Filter Assembly.Figure 3. Prime Pump Fuel Level Sensor Assembly.Figure 4. Door, Panel, and Fuel Shutoff.FUEL INJECTION PUMP AND GEAR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Camshaft Timing Pin.Figure 2. Crankshaft Timing Pin.Figure 4. Fuel Injection Pump Shaft Lock.Figure 5. Fuel Injection Pump Gear Replacement.Figure 6. Fuel Injection Pump Lines/Connectors.Figure 8. Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 9. Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 10. Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 12. Fuel Injection Pump Lines/Connectors.Figure 13. Front Gear Set Timing Marks.Figure 14. Fuel Injection Pump Gear Replacement.Figure 15. Fuel Injection Pump Shaft Lock.Figure 17. Camshaft Timing Pin.SPEED (INJECTION PUMP POSITION) SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Door.Figure 2. Injection Pump Position Sensor.Figure 3. Injection Pump Position Sensor.Figure 4. Door.FUEL INJECTOR REPLACEMENT SINGLE INJECTORFUEL INJECTOR REPLACEMENT SINGLE INJECTOR - ContinuedFigure 1. Valve Link Replacement.Figure 2. Fuel Injector Fuel Line Replacement.Figure 3. Fuel Injector Electrical Connection Replacement.Figure 4. Fuel Injector Removal.Figure 6. Fuel Injector Code.Figure 7. Fuel Injector Installation.Figure 8. Fuel Injector Fuel Line Replacement.Figure 9. Valve Bridge Replacement.FUEL INJECTOR REPLACEMENT ALL INJECTORSFigure 1. Fuel Injector Fuel Line Replacement.Figure 2. Fuel Injector Electrical Connection Replacement.Figure 3. Fuel Injector Removal.Figure 5. Fuel Injector Code.Figure 6. Fuel Injector Installation.Figure 7. Fuel Injector Fuel Line Replacement.TURBOCHARGER AND LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Turbocharger and Elbow.Figure 2. Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 3. Shield.Figure 4. Turbocharger and Wastegate.Figure 5. Turbocharger, Oil Line, and Drain Tube.Figure 6. Drain Tube and Gasket.Figure 7. Turbocharger, Gasket, and Exhaust Manifold.Figure 8. Air Inlet Elbow and Hose.Figure 9. Oil Line and Gasket.Figure 10. Turbocharger and Hose.Figure 11. Oil Line and Gasket.Figure 12. Air Inlet Elbow and Hose.Figure 13. Turbocharger, Gasket, and Exhaust Manifold.Figure 14. Drain Tube and Gasket.Figure 15. Turbocharger.Figure 16. Turbocharger and Wastegate.Figure 17. Shield.Figure 18. Arctic Kit Heater.Figure 19. Turbocharger and Elbow.WASTEGATE SOLENOID ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Connector.Figure 2. Harness.Figure 3. Wastegate Solenoid.Figure 4. Harness.Figure 5. Connector.EXHAUST MANIFOLD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Exhaust Manifold and Gaskets.WATER TEMPERATURE REGULATOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Upper Radiator Hose.Figure 2. Water Temperature Regulator Housing.Figure 4. Upper Radiator Hose.WATER PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Pump Inlet.Figure 2. Battery Cables.Figure 3. Water Pump Replacement.Figure 4. Guide Stud Installation.Figure 5. Water Pump Replacement.Figure 6. Water Pump Guide Studs.Figure 7. Battery Cables.Figure 8. Water Pump Bolt Torque Sequence.WATER PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedENGINE OIL FILTER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Filter.ENGINE OIL FILTER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedENGINE OIL SERVICEFigure 1. Engine Bottom Guard.Figure 2. Oil Drain Valve.ENGINE OIL SERVICE - ContinuedENGINE OIL COOLER AND OIL FILTER BASE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Dipstick Tube.Figure 2. Oil Filter Base and Gasket.Figure 3. Engine Oil Cooler Housing.Figure 4. Engine Oil Cooler Assembly.Figure 5. Engine Oil Cooler Assembly.Figure 6. Engine Oil Cooler Bolt Torque Sequence.Figure 7. Oil Filter Base and Gasket.Figure 8. Dipstick Tube.FRONT COVER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Cover Replacement.INLET MANIFOLD REPLACEMENTINLET MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Harness and Filler Tube Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Harness and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Harness and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Fuel Tubes, Harness, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Ether Injection Tube Hardware and Inlet Manifold Components.Figure 6. Inlet Manifold Torque Sequence.Figure 7. Ether Injection Tube Hardware and Inlet Manifold Components.Figure 8. Fuel Tubes, Harness, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 9. Harness and Retaining Hardware.Figure 10. Harness and Retaining Hardware.Figure 11. Harness and Filler Tube Retaining Hardware.OIL FILLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Oil Fill Tube.Figure 2. Oil Fill Tube Lower.Figure 3. Oil Fill Housing.Figure 4. Oil Fill Tube Lower.OIL FILLER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedDRIVE BELT AND TENSIONER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Drive Belt Replacement.Figure 3. Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement.Figure 4. Drive Belt Replacement.Figure 5. Right Door.ALTERNATOR AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Alternator.Figure 2. Alternator Wiring Harness.Figure 3. Pulley.Figure 5. Bracket.Figure 6. Harness to Bracket.Figure 7. Pulley.Figure 8. Alternator Wiring Harness.Figure 9. Alternator.ALTERNATOR AND BRACKET REPLACEMENT - ContinuedA/C COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENTA/C COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. A/C Compressor.Figure 2. A/C Compressor Wiring Harness.Figure 3. Oil Drain Plug.Figure 4. Oil Drain Plug.Figure 5. A/C Compressor Wiring Harness.Figure 6. A/C Compressor.A/C COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedPULLEY, HUB, AND DAMPER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Damper and Crankshaft Pulley.Figure 3. Damper Bolts.FRONT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Front Oil Seal Remover.Figure 2. Front Seal and Protector.FRONT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSTARTER MOTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Starter and Positive Cables.Figure 2. Starter and Ground Cables.Figure 3. Starter, Engine Harness, and Mounting Hardware.Figure 4. Starter and Ground Cables.Figure 5. Starter and Positive Cables.PUMP COUPLING REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Pump.Figure 3. Flywheel.PUMP COUPLING REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Flywheel and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Flywheel, Guide Studs, and Retaining Hardware.FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Flywheel, Guide Studs, and Retaining Hardware.FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFLYWHEEL HOUSING REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Flywheel Housing and Retaining Bolts.Figure 3. Flywheel Housing, Guide Studs, and Retaining Bolts.Figure 4. Guide Studs, Dowels, and Dust Seal on Engine.Figure 5. Flywheel Housing, Cover Plate, Bracket, Studs, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Flywheel Housing, Cover Plate, Bracket, Studs, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Guide Studs, Dowels, and Dust Seal on Engine.Figure 8. Flywheel Housing, Guide Studs, and Retaining Bolts.Figure 9. Flywheel Housing and Retaining Bolts.Figure 10. Starter and Retaining Hardware.OIL PAN REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Stand.OIL PAN REPLACEMENT - ContinuedOIL PAN REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Engine Oil Pan, Oil Pan Drain Adapter, Gaskets, and Retaining Harness.Figure 3. Engine Oil Pan, Oil Pan Adapter, Gaskets, and Retaining Harness.Figure 4. Applying Sealant on Engine Block.Figure 5. Guide Studs.Figure 6. Engine Oil Pan, Oil Pan Adapter, Gaskets, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Guide Stud Removal.Figure 9. Engine Stand.OIL PAN REPLACEMENT - ContinuedOIL PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Oil Pump, Suction Pipe, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Oil Pump, Suction Pipe, and Retaining Hardware.OIL PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedREAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTREAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Rear Housing Assembly Installation.REAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedROCKER ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Rocker Shaft Replacement.Figure 2. Valve Bridge Replacement.Figure 3. Valve Bridge Replacement.Figure 4. Rocker Shaft Replacement.Figure 5. Inlet/Exhaust Valve Arrangement.Figure 6. Valve Lash Adjustment.CYLINDER HEAD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Lines.Figure 2. Left Rear of Cylinder Head.Figure 4. Harness - Right Rear of Cylinder Head.Figure 5. Front of Cylinder Head.Figure 7. Heater Plugs.Figure 9. Cylinder Head Lifting Device.Figure 10. Connector and Lifting Plate.Figure 11. Cylinder Head Gasket Replacement.Figure 12. Cylinder Head Guide Bolts.Figure 14. Cylinder Head Lifting Device.Figure 15. Cylinder Head Tightening Sequence.Figure 16. Heater Plugs.Figure 18. Front of Cylinder Head.Figure 19. Harness - Right Rear of Cylinder Head.Figure 21. Left Rear of Cylinder Head.Figure 22. Fuel Lines.CYLINDER HEAD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedVALVE COVER, GASKET, AND BASE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Valve Cover.Figure 3. Fuel Injector Harness.Figure 4. Valve Cover Base.Figure 5. Fuel Injector Harness.Figure 6. Valve Cover Gasket.Figure 7. Valve Mechanism Cover.AIR CLEANER SERVICEFigure 1. Left Engine Door and Air Cleaner Assembly.Figure 2. Primary Air Filter Assembly.Figure 3. Secondary Air Filter Element and Switch.Figure 4. Back of Air Cleaner.Figure 6. Back of Air Cleaner.Figure 7. Secondary Air Filter Element and Switch.Figure 8. Primary Air Filter Assembly.AIR CLEANER SERVICE - ContinuedDIAGNOSTIC HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Diagnostic Center.Figure 2. Diagnostic Hose Harness Attachments.Figure 3. Diagnostic Hose Harness Attachment.Figure 4. Diagnostic Hose Attachment.Figure 5. Hydraulic Diagnostic Connector.Figure 6. Hydraulic Hose Diagnostic Fitting.Figure 7. Component Hydraulic Hose and Fitting.Figure 9. Component Hydraulic Hose and Fitting.Figure 10. Hydraulic Hose Diagnostic Fitting.Figure 11. Hydraulic Diagnostic Connector.Figure 12. Diagnostic Hose Attachment.Figure 13. Diagnostic Hose Harness Attachment.Figure 14. Diagnostic Hose Harness Attachments.DIAGNOSTIC HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedDRAIN HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Motor Drain Hose.Figure 2. Supply Hose.Figure 3. Supply Hose.Figure 4. Motor Drain Hose.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP HOSE AND LINE REPLACEMENTHYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP HOSE AND LINE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Left Motor Hose to Manifold.Figure 2. Right Motor Hose to Manifold.Figure 3. Pump Hoses.Figure 4. Pump Hoses.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP HOSE AND LINE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP HOSE AND LINE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Pump Hoses.Figure 6. Right Motor Hose to Manifold.Figure 7. Left Motor Hose to Manifold.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP HOSE AND LINE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedOIL COOLER HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ground Wire.Figure 2. Cooler Pipes.Figure 3. Cooler Hoses.Figure 4. Cooler Hoses.OIL COOLER HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Supply Hose.Figure 6. Ground Wire.HYDROSTATIC HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Hose.HYDROSTATIC HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSPROCKET SEGMENT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Sprocket Removal.Figure 2. Sprocket Alignment.Figure 3. Sprocket.TRACK SERVICEFigure 1. Top Side Track Tension.Figure 2. Track Joint Total Pitch Extension Measurement.Figure 3. Track Bushing, Links, and Pins.Figure 4. Sprocket Wear.Figure 5. Track Shoe.Figure 6. Track Blocking.Figure 8. Track Tension.Figure 9. Track Shoe.Figure 10. Master Link.TRACK SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 11. Master Link Installation.Figure 13. Track Support.Figure 14. Track Blocking.Figure 15. Track Tension.Figure 16. Track Tension Adjustment.Figure 18. Track Tension Adjustment.TRACK ROLLER FRAME COVER AND GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Front Idler Guard.Figure 3. Front Track Cover.Figure 4. Middle Track Cover.Figure 5. Sprocket Guard.Figure 6. Sprocket Guard.Figure 7. Middle Track Cover.Figure 8. Front Track Cover.Figure 9. Front Idler Guard.Figure 10. Front Track Guard.TRACK ROLLER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Track Roller.TRACK ROLLER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedREAR TRACK ROLLER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Track Roller.REAR TRACK ROLLER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRACK CARRIER ROLLER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Track Carrier Roller.TRACK CARRIER ROLLER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRACK ADJUSTER AND SPRING ASSEMBLY SERVICETRACK ADJUSTER AND SPRING ASSEMBLY SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Track Carrier Roller.Figure 2. Track Adjuster.Figure 3. Track Adjuster Piston.Figure 4. Track Adjuster Piston.Figure 5. Track Adjuster.Figure 6. Track Carrier Roller.TRACK ADJUSTER AND SPRING ASSEMBLY SERVICE - ContinuedIDLER AND YOKE ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Idler Support.Figure 3. Yoke Support.Figure 4. Idler and Yoke Assembly.Figure 5. Yoke Bolts.Figure 6. Idler.IDLER AND YOKE ASSEMBLY SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 7. Idler.Figure 8. Yoke Bolts.Figure 9. Idler and Yoke Assembly.Figure 10. Yoke Support.Figure 11. Idler Support.Figure 12. Cover.FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Final Drive Rear Mounting Bolts.Figure 2. Final Drive Support Stud.Figure 3. Second Final Drive Support Stud.Figure 4. Final Drive Removal.Figure 5. Final Drive Install.Figure 6. Final Drive Support Stud.Figure 7. Final Drive Rear Mounting Bolts.FINAL DRIVE OIL SERVICEFigure 1. Drain and Fill.BRAKE ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Brake To Final Drive.Figure 2. Track Brake Guide Studs.Figure 3. Friction Disks.Figure 4. Retaining Ring.Figure 6. Piston.Figure 8. Piston.Figure 9. Disc Springs.Figure 10. Retaining Ring.Figure 11. Friction Disks.Figure 12. Track Brake Guide Studs.Figure 13. Brake To Final Drive.HYDRAULIC FAN GEAR PUMP REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Rear Cover.Figure 3. Pump.Figure 4. Pump O-ring.Figure 5. Pump.Figure 6. Pump.Figure 7. Rear Cover.HYDRAULIC FAN GEAR PUMP REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Hose, Tube, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. O-ring on Tube.Figure 3. Line, Hose, Fitting, Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. O-rings and Fitting on Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump.Figure 5. O-rings and Fitting on Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump.Figure 6. Line, Hose, Fitting, Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. O-ring on Tube.Figure 8. Hose, Tube, and Retaining Hardware.IMPLEMENT PUMP REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Hoses and Lines on Implement Pump.Figure 2. Hoses on Right Hydrostatic Drive Motor and Bracket.Figure 3. Hoses, Bracket, Manifold, Winch Piston Pump, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Implement Pump and Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. O-ring on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 6. Fittings and Coupler on Implement Pump.Figure 7. O-rings on Fittings.Figure 9. Fittings and Coupler on Implement Pump.Figure 10. O-ring on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 11. Implement Pump and Retaining Hardware.Figure 12. Hoses, Bracket, Manifold, Winch Piston Pump, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 13. Hoses on Right Hydrostatic Drive Motor and Bracket.Figure 14. Hoses and Lines on Implement Pump.IMPLEMENT PUMP REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Rear Cover.Figure 2. Hydraulic Fitting and O-Rings.Figure 4. Pump.Figure 5. Tube and O-ring.Figure 7. Tube and O-ring.Figure 9. Pump.Figure 10. Hydraulic Line, Fitting and O-rings.Figure 12. Rear Cover.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Sensor, Fitting, and Hose on Left Drive Motor.Figure 2. Sensor, Fitting, and Hose on Drive Motor.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Hoses and Drive Motor.Figure 4. Hoses and Drive Motor.Figure 5. Sensor and Solenoid on Drive Motor.Figure 6. Sensor and Solenoid on Drive Motor.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR SPEED SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Drive Motor Speed Sensor.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR SPEED SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Drive Motor Solenoid.HYDROSTATIC DRIVE MOTOR SOLENOID REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRAVEL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Drive Motor Speed Sensor.TRAVEL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRANSMISSION CONTROL MANIFOLD SERVICEFigure 1. Left Motor Hose to Manifold.Figure 2. Right Motor Hose To Manifold.Figure 3. Solenoids.Figure 4. Manifold Hoses.Figure 5. Bracket.Figure 7. Manifold.Figure 8. Solenoids.Figure 10. Plugs.Figure 11. Pump Lines.Figure 12. Pump Hoses.Figure 13. Right Motor Hose to Manifold.Figure 14. Solenoids.Figure 15. Left Motor Hose to Manifold.HYDRAULIC CONTROL MANIFOLD SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Control Manifold Solenoid.Figure 2. Hydraulic Control Manifold Solenoid O-rings.Figure 3. Hydraulic Control Manifold Solenoid O-rings.Figure 4. Hydraulic Control Manifold Solenoid.HYDROSTATIC PUMP SOLENOID VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydrostatic Pump Solenoid Valve.Figure 2. Solenoid Valve.Figure 3. Hydrostatic Pump Solenoid Valve.HYDROSTATIC PUMP SOLENOID VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedLEFT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP SERVICEFigure 1. Starter Cables.Figure 2. Positive Cable.Figure 4. A/C Lines.Figure 5. Electrical Harness.Figure 7. Alternator Cable Nut.Figure 8. Alternator Cable.Figure 9. Rear Motor Mount and Bracket.Figure 10. Engine Mount.Figure 11. Pump Harness.Figure 12. Engine Bolts.Figure 13. Flywheel Pump Coupling.Figure 14. Pump and Housing.Figure 15. Housing.Figure 16. Pump and Housing.Figure 17. Flywheel Pump Coupling.Figure 18. Engine Bolts.Figure 19. Pump Harness.Figure 20. Engine Mount.Figure 21. Rear Motor Mount and Bracket.Figure 22. Alternator Cable.Figure 24. Heater Hoses.Figure 25. Electrical Harness.Figure 27. Cable Clamps.Figure 28. Positive Cable.Figure 29. Starter Cables.LEFT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP SERVICE - ContinuedRIGHT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP SERVICE (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Harness, Lines, and Hose Connections on Left and Right Hydraulic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 2. Tube Retaining Hardware on Left Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 3. Tube Retaining Hardware on Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 5. Tube on Left and Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump and Transmission Control Manifold.Figure 6. Retaining Hardware and Hoses on Right Hydrostatic Piston Pump.Figure 7. Solenoid, Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Pump Support.Figure 8. Harness and Retaining Hardware on Pump Support.Figure 9. Pump Support and Retaining Hardware.Figure 10. Transmission Control Valve Mounting Bracket.Figure 12. Right Hydrostatic Piston Pump and Retaining Hardware.Figure 13. O-ring and Coupler on Left Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 14. Elbows, Fittings, and O-rings on Right Hydraulic Piston Pump.Figure 15. Elbows, Fittings, and O-rings on Right Hydraulic Piston Pump.Figure 16. O-ring and Coupler on Left Hydraulic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 17. Right Hydraulic Piston Pump and Retaining Hardware.Figure 18. Transmission Control Valve Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 20. Pump Support and Retaining Hardware.Figure 21. Harness and Retaining Hardware on Pump Support.Figure 22. Solenoid, Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Pump Support.Figure 23. Retaining Hardware and Hoses on Right Hydrostatic Piston Pump.Figure 24. Tubes on Left and Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump and Transmission Control Manifold.Figure 25. Tube on Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump and Transmission Control Manifold.Figure 26. Tube Retaining Hardware on Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump.Figure 28. Harness, Lines, and Hose Connections on Left and Right Hydrostatic Drive Piston Pump.RIGHT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP SERVICE (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Plate.Figure 2. Diagnostic Lines.Figure 3. Drain Hoses.Figure 4. Pilot Hose.Figure 5. Pump Hose.Figure 6. Charge Pressure Hose.Figure 7. Pump Support.Figure 8. Pump Solenoid Connections.Figure 9. Pump Mounting.RIGHT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PISTON PUMP SERVICE (WITH RIPPER) - ContinuedFigure 10. Pump Solenoid Connections.Figure 11. Pump Support.Figure 12. Charge Pressure Hose.Figure 13. Pump Hose Installation.Figure 14. Pilot Hose.Figure 15. Drain Hoses.Figure 16. Diagnostic Lines.Figure 17. Plate.WINCH OIL PRESSURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Winch Oil Pressure Sensor, Sensor Harness, Solenoid Harness, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Winch Oil Pressure Sensor and O-ring.Figure 3. Winch Oil Pressure Sensor and O-ring.Figure 4. Winch Oil Pressure Sensor, Sensor Harness, Solenoid Harness, and Retaining Hardware.WINCH SOLENOID HARNESS REPLACEMENTWINCH SOLENOID HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Winch Solenoid Harness and Retaining Hardware.WINCH SOLENOID HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Winch Solenoid Harness and Retaining Hardware.BACKUP ALARM REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Backup Alarm Connector and Mounting Plate.Figure 2. Backup Alarm Harness and Grommet.Figure 4. Backup Alarm, Mounting Plate, and Grommet.Figure 6. Backup Alarm Connector and Mounting Plate.HORN REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Horn and Retaining Hardware.LOCKOUT SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Lockout Switch Harness Retainer.Figure 4. Lockwasher and Lockout Switch.Figure 5. Washer and Lockout Switch.Figure 6. Lockwasher and Lockout Switch.Figure 8. Lockout Switch Harness Retainer.Figure 9. Lockout Switch Connector.BATTERY DISCONNECT SWITCH AND CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Cable Connections at Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 3. Ground Cable.Figure 4. Ground Cable.Figure 5. Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 6. Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 7. Ground Cable.Figure 8. Ground Cable.Figure 9. Cable Connections at Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 10. Cable Connections at Battery Disconnect Switch.BATTERY REPLACEMENTBATTERY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Battery Brackets and Clamps.Figure 2. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Cables.Figure 4. Battery Tray.Figure 6. Retaining Hardware.Figure 8. Battery Cables.Figure 10. Junction Box Harness.Figure 11. Batteries and Retaining Hardware.Figure 12. Batteries and Retaining Hardware.Figure 13. Junction Box Harness.Figure 15. Jumper Cable.Figure 17. Retaining Hardware.Figure 19. Battery Tray.Figure 21. Arctic Kit Heater Battery Cables.Figure 22. Battery Brackets and Clamps.BATTERY CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cable Connection at Battery Disconnect Switch.Figure 2. Cable Retainer Below Junction Box.Figure 3. Cable Connection at Junction Block.Figure 4. Cable Retainer Below Junction Box.Figure 5. Cable Connection at Battery Disconnect Switch.ALTERNATOR AND JUNCTION BOX HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cable Connections at Junction Box.Figure 2. Harness Retainer Below Junction Box.Figure 3. Harness Retainer at Junction Box.Figure 4. Harness Retainer and Cable Connection at Junction Box.Figure 5. Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 6. Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 8. Harness Retainers on Right Side of Engine and Cable Connection at Alternator.Figure 9. Harness Retainer Above Right Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 11. Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 12. Harness Retainer and Cable Connection at Junction Box.Figure 13. Harness Retainer at Junction Box.Figure 14. Harness Retainer Below Junction Box.Figure 15. Cable Connections at Junction Box.STARTER CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cable Connection at Junction Block.Figure 2. Cable Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 3. Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 4. Left Side Cable Retainer Behind Flywheel Housing.Figure 6. Cable Retainers on Left Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 7. Cable Connection at Starter.Figure 8. Cable Connection and Retaining Hardware at Starter.Figure 9. Cable Connection at Starter.Figure 10. Cable Retainers on Left Side of Flywheel Housing.Figure 11. Right Side Cable Retainer Behind Flywheel Housing.Figure 13. Harness Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 14. Cable Retainer Underneath Right Side of Cab Floor.Figure 15. Cable Connection at Junction Block.JUNCTION BLOCK REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cable Connections at Junction Block.Figure 2. Junction Block and Bracket.Figure 3. Cable Connections at Junction Block.MACHINE ECM SERVICE (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Harness Connector.Figure 2. Machine ECM and Harness Connectors.Figure 3. Machine ECM Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Harness Grounds.Figure 6. Machine ECM and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 8. Spacers, Isolators, and Machine ECM.Figure 9. Ground Strap and Isolators.Figure 11. Harness Grounds.Figure 13. Machine ECM Retaining Hardware.Figure 15. Harness Connector.EQUIPMENT ECM SERVICEFigure 1. Equipment ECM, Harness Connector, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Equipment ECM, Mounting Bracket, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Equipment ECM, Mounting Bracket, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Equipment ECM, Harness Connector, and Retaining Hardware.MACHINE ECM SERVICE (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Platform Harness and Winch Solenoid Harness.Figure 2. Machine ECM, Harness Connectors, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 5. Machine ECM and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Ground Strap and Isolators.Figure 8. Ground Strap and Isolators.Figure 9. Machine ECM and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 10. Harness Grounds.Figure 12. Machine ECM, Harness Connectors, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 13. Platform Harness and Winch Solenoid Harness.PLATFORM WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Filters.Figure 2. Harness Connectors Near Left Top of Machine ECM.Figure 3. Harness Retaining Hardware Above Junction Box.Figure 4. Harness Grounds Above Junction Box.Figure 5. Equipment ECM Harness Connector.Figure 6. Harness Connector on Left Side of Junction Box.Figure 7. Machine ECM Harness Connectors, Connector Cap, and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 8. Harness Retaining Hardware Below Air Filter.Figure 9. Connector.Figure 10. Harness Retaining Hardware Near HVAC Housing.Figure 11. Harness.Figure 12. Harness Ground Connectors Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 13. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 14. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 15. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 16. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 17. Harness Ground Connectors Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 18. Harness.Figure 19. Harness Retaining Hardware Near HVAC Housing.Figure 20. Harness.Figure 21. Harness Retaining Hardware Below Air Filter.Figure 22. Machine ECM Harness Connectors, Connector Cap, and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 23. Harness Connector on Left Side of Junction Box.Figure 24. Equipment ECM Harness Connector.Figure 25. Harness Grounds Above Junction Box.Figure 26. Harness Retaining Hardware Above Junction Box.Figure 28. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Filters.HORN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Chassis Harness Retaining Hardware Underneath Front of Hood.Figure 3. Chassis Harness Underneath Hood.Figure 4. Chassis Harness Underneath Hood.Figure 5. Chassis Harness Retaining Hardware Underneath Front of Hood.HORN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedACCU-GRADE WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Chassis Harness Retaining Hardware Above Engine ECM and Behind Left Rear of EngineFigure 3. Chassis Harness Retainers Behind Right Rear of Engine.Figure 4. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 5. Chassis Harness Retainers Behind Right Rear of Engine.Figure 6. Chassis Harness Retaining Hardware Above Engine ECM and Behind Left Rear of Engine.Figure 7. Chassis Harness Underneath Hood.FUEL TANK AND CHASSIS WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 2. Chassis Harness and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 3. Oil Filter Bypass Switches, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil FiltersFigure 4. Washer Pump Harness, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Below Hydraulic Oil FiltersFigure 5. Harness Retaining Hardware Behind Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 6. Harness Retaining Hardware Behind and Below Batteries.Figure 8. Fuel Level Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Fuel Tank.Figure 9. Lower Access Plate and Retaining Hardware on Rear of Machine.Figure 11. Solenoids, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Rear of Machine.Figure 12. Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor and Chassis Harness on Side of Hydraulic Oil TankFigure 13. Solenoid, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Right Hydrostatic MotorFigure 14. Solenoid, Pressure Sensor, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Left Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 15. Solenoid, Pressure Sensor, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Left Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 16. Solenoid, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Right Hydrostatic MotorFigure 17. Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor and Chassis Harness on Side of Hydraulic Oil Tank.Figure 18. Solenoids, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Rear of Machine.Figure 19. Upper Access Plate and Retaining Hardware on Rear of Machine.Figure 21. Fuel Level Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Fuel Tank.Figure 22. Chassis Harness Ground Connector Behind Hydraulic Oil Filter Base.Figure 23. Harness Retaining Hardware Behind and Below Batteries.Figure 24. Harness Retaining Hardware Behind Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 25. Washer Pump Harness, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Below Hydraulic Oil FiltersFigure 26. Oil Filter Bypass Switches, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 27. Chassis Harness and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 28. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.FUEL TANK AND CHASSIS WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Access Plate and Retaining Hardware on Rear of Machine.Figure 2. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 3. Chassis Harness and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 5. Washer Pump Harness, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Below Hydraulic Oil FiltersFigure 6. Chassis Harness Ground Connector Behind Hydraulic Oil Filter Base.Figure 7. Fuel Level Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Fuel Tank.Figure 8. Harness Retaining Hardware Inside Frame.Figure 9. Solenoid, Pressure Sensor, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Left Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 10. Solenoid, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Right Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 11. Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor, Solenoids, and Chassis Harness at Rear of MachineFigure 12. Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor, Solenoids, and Chassis Harness at Rear of MachineFigure 13. Solenoid, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Right Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 14. Solenoid, Pressure Sensor, Speed Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware at Left Hydrostatic Motor.Figure 15. Harness Retaining Hardware Inside Frame.Figure 16. Fuel Level Sensor, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware on Fuel Tank.Figure 17. Chassis Harness Ground Connector Behind Hydraulic Oil Filter Base.Figure 18. Washer Pump Harness, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Below Hydraulic Oil FiltersFigure 19. Oil Filter Bypass Switches, Chassis Harness, and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 20. Chassis Harness and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 21. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Oil Filters.Figure 22. Access Plate and Retaining Hardware on Rear of Machine.PLATFORM WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Filters.Figure 2. Harness Connectors Near Left Top of Machine ECM.Figure 4. Harness Grounds Above Junction Box.Figure 5. Equipment ECM Harness Connector.Figure 7. Machine ECM Harness Connectors and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 8. Harness Retaining Hardware Below Air Filter.Figure 9. Harness Retaining Hardware Near HVAC Housing.Figure 10. Harness at Lower Left Door Hinge Area.Figure 12. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 13. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 14. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 15. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 16. Harness Ground Connectors Underneath Cab Floor.Figure 18. Harness Retaining Hardware Near HVAC Housing.Figure 19. Harness Retaining Hardware Below Air Filter.Figure 20. Machine ECM Harness Connectors and Harness Retaining Hardware.Figure 21. Harness Connector Near Junction Box.Figure 22. Equipment ECM Harness Connector.Figure 24. Harness Retaining Hardware Above Junction Box.Figure 26. Harness Connectors and Retaining Hardware Above Hydraulic Filters.BOTTOM GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Bottom Guard.Figure 2. Front Bottom Guard Lowered.Figure 3. Right Center Bottom Guard.Figure 4. Right Center Bottom Guard Hinge.Figure 5. Left Center Bottom Guard.Figure 6. Left Center Bottom Guard Hinge.Figure 7. Right Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 8. Right Rear Bottom Guard Lowered.Figure 9. Left Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 10. Left Rear Bottom Guard Hinge.Figure 11. Left Rear Bottom Guard Hinge.Figure 12. Left Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 13. Right Rear Bottom Guard Lowered.Figure 14. Right Rear Bottom Guard.Figure 15. Left Center Bottom Guard Hinge.Figure 16. Left Center Bottom Guard.Figure 17. Right Center Bottom Guard Lowered.Figure 18. Right Center Bottom Guard.Figure 19. Front Bottom Guard Lowered.Figure 20. Front Bottom Guard.ANGLE AND TILT TUBE REPLACEMENTCROSSOVER TUBES REMOVALFigure 1. Crossover Tubes and Clamps.Figure 2. Tube Clamp.Figure 3. Case Drain and Brake Hoses and O-ring.Figure 4. Tube and Tiedown Straps.Figure 5. Tube and Bracket.Figure 6. Tube Assembly.Figure 8. Right Side Short Tubes.Figure 9. Right Side Long Tubes.Figure 10. Tube Assembly.Figure 11. Tube and Bracket.Figure 12. Tube Assembly.Figure 13. Right Side Long Tubes.Figure 14. Right Side Short Tubes.Figure 16. Left Crossover Tube.Figure 18. Tube and Bracket.Figure 19. Tube and Tiedown Straps.Figure 20. Case Drain and Brake Hoses and O-ring.Figure 22. Crossover Tubes and Clamps.ANGLE AND TILT TUBE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedPILOT HOSE REPLACEMENTPILOT HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Tank to Valve Bank Hose.Figure 2. Hose and Connector.Figure 3. Hydraulic Tank to Accumulator Hose.Figure 4. Accumulator Assembly.Figure 6. Valve Bank and Hose.Figure 7. Pilot Hose.Figure 8. Valve Bank and Hose.Figure 9. Accumulator.Figure 11. Hydraulic Tank to Accumulator Hose.Figure 12. Hose and Connector.Figure 13. Hydraulic Tank to Valve Bank Hose.WINCH PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC SYSTEM SUPPLY HOSES AND MANIFOLD REMOVALFigure 1. Tube, Hose, and Retaining Hardware on Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump and Hydraulic Tank.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SUPPLY HOSES AND MANIFOLD REMOVAL CONTINUEDFigure 3. Hoses, Winch Piston Pump, Manifold, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Hoses and Fittings on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 5. Hose and Tube Connections.Figure 6. Hose and Fitting on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 7. Hose and Fitting on Hydraulic Tank.Figure 8. Hoses and Fittings on Hydraulic Tank and Bracket.Figure 9. Hose and Fitting on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 10. Hoses and Fittings on Valve Bank and Bracket.Figure 11. Tube, Hoses, Fittings, Bracket, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 12. Hoses and Retaining Hardware on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 13. Hoses and Retaining Hardware on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 14. Tube, Hoses, Fittings, Bracket, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 15. Hoses and Fittings on Valve Bank and Bracket.Figure 16. Hose and Fitting on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 17. Hoses and Fittings on Hydraulic Tank and Bracket.Figure 18. Hose and Fitting on Hydraulic Tank.Figure 19. Hose and Fitting on Winch Piston Pump.Figure 20. Hose and Tube Connections.Figure 21. Hoses and Fittings on Winch Piston Pump.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SUPPLY HOSES AND MANIFOLD INSTALLATIONFigure 22. Hoses, Winch Piston Pump, Manifold, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 23. O-ring on Tube.Figure 24. Tube, Hose, and Retaining Hardware on Hydraulic Fan Gear Pump and Hydraulic Tank.HYDRAULIC OIL SERVICEFigure 1. Left Rear Access Door.Figure 2. Drain Plug.Figure 3. Drain Hose and Fitting.Figure 4. Drain Plug.Figure 6. Sight Gauge.Figure 7. Left Rear Access Door.WINCH OIL SERVICEFigure 1. Winch Oil Drain and Fill Plugs.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONHYDRAULIC SYSTEM PRESSURE RELEASEFigure 1. Cab Controls.Figure 2. Hydraulic System Fill Cap.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER SERVICE (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Hydraulic System Filters.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER SERVICE (WITH RIPPER) - ContinuedHYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER SERVICE (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Hydraulic System Filters.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER SERVICE (WITH WINCH) - ContinuedHYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER BASE AND BRACKET REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)Figure 1. Hydraulic Filter Base and Hoses.Figure 2. Base and Attaching Hardware.Figure 3. Base and Attaching Hardware Arctic Kit Heater Equipped.Figure 4. Base and Elbows.Figure 5. Pressure Tap, Sensor, and Base.Figure 6. Tee, Connector, and Base.Figure 8. Hydraulic Filter Base Bracket.Figure 9. Tee, Connector, and Base.Figure 11. Pressure Tap, Sensor, and Base.Figure 13. Base and Attaching Hardware Arctic Kit Heater Equipped.Figure 14. Base and Attaching Hardware.Figure 15. Hydraulic Filter Base and Hoses.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER BASE AND BRACKET REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)Figure 1. Filter Base and Retaining Hardware.Figure 2. Filter Base, Oil Filter Bypass Switch, Pressure Tap, Cap, Fittings and O-rings.Figure 3. Filter Base, Hoses, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 4. Base and Attaching Hardware Arctic Kit Heater Equipped.RIGHT DRIVE LOOP FILTER BASE REMOVAL CONTINUEDFigure 5. Filter Base, Oil Filter Bypass Switch, Clip, Pressure Tap, Cap, Port, Fittings and O-rings.Figure 6. Bracket and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Bracket and Retaining Hardware.RIGHT DRIVE LOOP FILTER INSTALLATIONFigure 8. Filter Base, Oil Filter Bypass Switch, Clip, Pressure Tap, Cap, Port, Fittings, and O-rings.Figure 9. Base and Attaching Hardware Arctic Kit Heater Equipped.Figure 10. Filter Base, Hoses, and Retaining Hardware.Figure 11. Filter Base, Oil Filter Bypass Switch, Pressure Tap, Cap, Fittings and O-rings.Figure 12. Filter Base and Retaining Hardware.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER BYPASS SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Hydraulic Filter Bypass Switch.Figure 3. Cover.CHARGE PRESSURE HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)CHARGE PRESSURE HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER) - ContinuedFigure 1. Filter and Hose.Figure 2. Hose Clamps.Figure 3. Charge Hose.Figure 4. Demand Fan Hose Clamp.Figure 5. Demand Fan Hose.Figure 6. Demand Fan Hose Clamp.Figure 7. Charge Hose.Figure 8. Hose Clamps.Figure 9. Filter and Hose.CHARGE PRESSURE HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)RIGHT DRIVE LOOP HOSE REMOVALFigure 1. Hose, Elbow, O-ring, and Filter Base.Figure 2. Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 3. Hose and Fittings.LEFT DRIVE LOOP HOSE REMOVALFigure 4. Hose and Fittings.Figure 5. Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 6. Hose and Retaining Hardware.Figure 7. Hose, Fittings, O-rings, and Manifold.Figure 8. Hose and Retaining Hardware.Figure 9. Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 10. Hose and Fittings.Figure 11. Hose and Fittings.Figure 12. Hoses and Retaining Hardware.Figure 13. Hose, Elbow, O-ring, and Filter Base.IMPLEMENT AND HYDRAULIC FAN PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER)IMPLEMENT AND HYDRAULIC FAN PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH RIPPER) - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Tank to Pump Hose.Figure 2. Tank to Valve Bank Hose.Figure 3. Valve Bank Hoses.Figure 4. Pump Hoses.Figure 5. Adapter and Tee Fitting.Figure 6. Tee Fitting and Adapter.Figure 7. Pump to Demand Fan Manifold.Figure 8. Diagnostic Tubes.Figure 9. Test Panel and Hoses.Figure 10. Diagnostic Tube Conduit.Figure 11. Diagnostic Tubes.Figure 12. Test Panel and Hoses.Figure 13. Pump to Demand Fan Manifold.Figure 14. Tee Fitting and Adapter.Figure 15. Adapter and Tee Fitting.Figure 16. Pump Hoses.Figure 17. Valve Bank Hoses.Figure 18. Tank to Valve Bank Hose.Figure 19. Hydraulic Tank to Pump Hose.IMPLEMENT AND HYDRAULIC FAN PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH)IMPLEMENT AND HYDRAULIC FAN PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENT (WITH WINCH) - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Tank to Pump Hose.Figure 2. Tank to Valve Bank Hose.Figure 3. Pump to Valve Bank Hoses.Figure 4. Pump to Demand Fan Manifold.Figure 5. Test Panel and Hoses.Figure 6. Pump to Test Panel Hoses.Figure 7. Pump to Test Panel Hoses.Figure 8. Test Panel and Hoses.Figure 9. Pump to Demand Fan Manifold.Figure 10. Pump to Valve Bank Hoses.Figure 11. Tank to Valve Bank Hose.Figure 12. Hydraulic Tank to Pump Hose.LIFT CYLINDER TUBE REPLACEMENTLIFT CYLINDER TUBE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Tube and Bracket.Figure 3. Hose Clamp.Figure 4. Bracket and Clamp.Figure 6. Tube Fitting.Figure 8. Tube Assembly.Figure 9. Tube Assembly.Figure 11. Tube Fitting.Figure 13. Bracket and Clamp.Figure 15. Tube Clamps.Figure 16. Tube and Bracket.HYDRAULIC FAN HOSE REPLACEMENTHYDRAULIC FAN HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Hose and Elbow Assembly.Figure 3. Demand Fan Hoses.Figure 5. Hose Clamp.Figure 6. Hydraulic Fan and Hose.Figure 7. Hoses.Figure 8. Hoses.Figure 9. Hydraulic Fan and Hose.Figure 10. Hose Clamp.Figure 12. Demand Fan Hoses.Figure 13. Hose and Elbow Assembly.Figure 14. Hose Connector.